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Fly Fishers Serving as Transports for Noxious Little Invaders

The N.Y. Times wades in on invasives and the felt vs rubber story.


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Reader Comments (2)

didymo: fish love that shit and why would anyone wear rubber bottom boots when they don't perform nearly as well as felt.

August 16, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterT

okay so I am getting pretty tired of us fly fishers getting a bad wrap for the didymo and how bad we treat the rivers. always trying to kill them. the fact is fly fishers are among the most constructive when it comes to repairing and maintaining rivers and streams. has it ever dawned on anyone that the BOATS the people are using get that crap on them and then they themselves are spreading the problem. how about the net they use when the land a fish, or even their clothes when the pick it up and then wipe it off on their pants..... SOME PEOPLES KIDS! unbelievable.

August 27, 2010 | Unregistered Commenterme

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