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Sea Shepard Operation Blue Rage

The veterans of Whale Wars, the Sea Shepard Conservation Society, have turned their attention to Atlantic bluefin tuna and have dispatched the Steve Irwin to the Mediterranean.

The Irwin recently engaged Libyan and Italian trawlers towing what were likely illegally netted tuna. The Irwin was able to get divers into the water to cut open one of the two nets releasing 800 tuna.

The Libyans and the Italians are not pleased.

Neither is this guy.

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Reader Comments (19)

Seriously though... that's Sarah Palin in a fat suit. Right?

June 21, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterAC

If the Italian fishermen in the Med prove as resilient as the Italian military has historically been in its own backyard lets hope the Sea Shepherd has enough kleenex on board to mop up the tears.

June 21, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterEnglish Guy

They are a bunch of terrorists. Yanks as well... Huh that figures..

June 21, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterMatt

"Yeeeeaaaaahhhhh" I'm pretty sure the Blue"fish" tuna is extinct already.

June 21, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterQueequeg

I'm pretty sure this guy still lives at home in Mom's basement.

June 21, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterRC

Hey Matt are you a brit? If so do you speak german? NO!?! Huh, there's a reason for that...

June 21, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterNam

wow....what a tool

June 21, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterMillsy

Who enjoyed the South Park episode of "Whale Whores"?

June 21, 2010 | Unregistered Commenterneversink

Nam- whilst agreeing with your sentiment re Matt- the reason we don't speak german is that our RAF defeated the Luftwaffe in the summer of 1940- my grandfather being one of the "few " who overcame far superior German aircraft numbers- and that defeat prevented an invasion of the UK-impossible without air superiority. It also happened apprx 18 months before the US decided may be fascism in Europe wasnt a good thing. Here endeth the history lesson. And Matt- you're still a dick.

June 21, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterEnglish Guy

Thank English, I hear you and I appreciate the hard work that you old boys put in on the campaign too. You guys were in the thick of it before we got there, and did some good work. Obviously, it wasn't one side that tipped the balance, it was everyone. My grandpa fought too, although in the pacific and his brother, my great uncle died in the Ardennes so it burns me a bit to hear someone like Matt bagging on "Yanks". Anyways, thanks for posting and well said.

June 21, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterNam

And if you don't back off our fishing practices Vito is going to stop you from working - Batta Bing!

June 21, 2010 | Unregistered Commentercraig

maybe we should go on a anti soy campaign so these guys won't have anything to eat? Free the chick a peas!

June 21, 2010 | Unregistered Commentersideshow

Nice spoiler dick. So they survive another year in the artic. The only reason I watch that damn show is with the weekly anticipation that those morons will sink or that captain fat ass will choke on his own bull shit. He keeps preaching about needing to be ready to die for the cause... well, get on with it.

GO YUSHIN MARU ! ! ! ! !

June 21, 2010 | Unregistered Commenterdvr


June 21, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterBOOGIE

I wonder if we can get these terrorists de-funded by the FBI and/or DHS? Running a global operation like theirs ain't cheap and I bet those trendy little pretty boys/girls on board with the Sea Shepherds will head for the hills if the only compensation left for their troubles is "dying for the cause"!

On second thought, the liberals are doing business in Washington now - so No, there'll be no action against the Sea Shepherds for the next few years. Cheers!

June 21, 2010 | Unregistered Commenterdiego garcia

Lend Lease, and our crappy destroyers (pre WWI) we gave you that were headed to the scrap heap (which I'm not even sure you Brits bothered sailing for convoy escort due to their questionable seaworthiness) and I believe those vessels were paid for in gold. Suckas!

Thanks for Ultra though - sincerely.

June 22, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterD.B.

I hear Bob Barker donated 5 million to the Sea Shepherds cause.

June 22, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterHillary Clinton

1. BRITISH citizens are on the staff of Sea Shepherd. So any "brit" befouling Sea Shepherd and touting the criminal fish poachers who are endangering peoples lives is not a British patriot. The Brit is cheering a group of foreign nationals to harm their own British citizens. All good British patriots are on the side of Sea Shepherd which contains proud British citizens.

2. Sea Shepherd has U.S. FEDERAL AGENTS on staff. Any American seen on this board sympathizing with a foreign group of illegal fishermen committing criminal acts, and against Sea Shepherd whose staff contains U.S. Federal agents is not an American Patriot. That person going against SSCS has just incited harm against Law Enforcement of the United States of America and sympathised with a pack of foreign extremists against America.

3. To the individual identified as "diego garcia" inciting falsified action against United States citizens by falsely invoking the F-B-I: Paul Watson and Sea Shepherd conduct activities WITH the F-B-I! In fact, Paul Watson of SeaShepherd teaches classes at the F-B-I Training Academy in Quantico Virginia. One more time, so that you are clear: The F-B-I is not only on the side of Paul Watson AND Sea Shepherd, but the F-B-I hired Paul Watson to teach F-B-I agents at the F-B-I Training Academy in Qunatico on how to fight AGAINST terorists. So this individual now identifying themselves as "diego garcia" has now gone AGAINST the Bureau, and against the United States of America. The F-B-I works WITH Sea Shepherd and Paul Watson, and the only one they will be keeping an eye on, is you.

4. The individual identified as "dvr" has on this blog has just advocated the attempted murder of American citizens. The following quote by user "dvr" has now been recorded and logged: QUOTE dvr: "I watch that damn show is with the weekly anticipation that those morons will sink". The Sea Shepherd vessel in addition to including british nationals, also contains U.S. nationals. Sea Shepherd staff onboard includes U.S. military personnel including U.S. Naval officers, U.S. military surface warfare experts, and honored Iraq War veterans onboard the SSCS ship. The Japanese Whaling Fleet contains no U.S. citizens, the Japanese vessels are deemed illegal by the U.S. STATE DEPARTMENT, and the Japanese Fishing Fleet contains a foreig faction that has even threatened U.S. Forces in terms of the United States Coast Guard. This means that the individual identified as "dvr" has just cheered the attempted murder of American citizens, cheered the death of U.S. military service personnel, and dvr has cheered the potential deaths of honored Iraq War veterans, conducted by a Foreign faction of criminals.


Sea Shepherd crew includes U.S. Federal Agents, Law Enforcement Officers, and Military War Veterans.

Sea Shepherd Crew member D. Kehoe is a United States Police Force Officer.
Sea Shepherd Crew member J. Taylor is a U.S. Navy officer, trained in US Surface Warfare, and is an honored Iraq War VETERAN, serving with Brits, and international forces in Operation Desert Storm.
Paul Watson is an ex-COAST GUARD officer, and MERCHANT MARINE and instructs FBI agents in anti-terrorism at the US FBI Academy in Quantico.
Sea Shepherd crew member L. DeGroot is a member of the elite Dutch Police Force, and a member of the International ANTI-ORGANIZED CRIME UNIT of The Hague Police Force.
Sea Shepherd staff includes U.S. Federal Agents. SSCS crew includes members of multi-national LAW ENFORCEMENT, including members of the Australian military, and New Zealand military subsurface diving team.
Sea Shepherd includes citizens of the UK, Japan, America, Australia, New Zealand, etc, including Sea Shepherd crew from nearly every continent including Asia, Africa, North and South America, Australia, and Europe.
WHALE MEAT CONTAINS METHYL MERCURIC POISON. Methyl Mercury in whalemeat if ingested causes human organ and brain damage, it can cause ones children to be born deformed and with birth defects. Japanese Whalers obtain it and push it for human ingestion. 96% of Japanese people DO NOT EAT or HAVE NEVER EATEN whale meat. It is Not Japanese culture or tradition, and it is simply being pushed by a small sect of less than a couple hundred Japanese extremist Whale killers and forced onto Japan's people the majority of which DO NOT want whalemeat. Whalers represent less than 1% of Japan, and push it and the dishonorable practice of whale killing onto the remaining 99% of Japan. In fact, the small sect of Japanese Whalers pushed whale meat into the Japanese childrens school lunch program, enticing human children to eat it, and thereby mass-poisoning hundreds and thousands of Japanese citizens, families, including children. This is classified as mass-human chemical poisoning, which means the Japanese Whalers are a small faction of extremist killers who have conducted mass human chemical poisoning. Japanese Whalers hurt Japanese citizens. Therefore the whalers are ANTI-JAPANESE. Sea Shepherd is protecting Japan and 150 million Japanese people. SSCS is on Japan's side. Any person caught cheering the Japanese Whalers is cheering the human poisoning of hundreds and thousands of children. In addition, Japanese Whalers were caught smuggling illegal whalemeat INTO the United States, the Japanese Fishing Fleet caught committing a FEDERAL CRIME against U.S. FEDERAL LAW and selling potentially neurotoxic damaging whalemeat disguised as sushi at Japanese Sushi restaurants inside the U.S. This means the Japanese Whalers were caught and charged violating the Law of the United States of American, and attempted to poison U.S. citizens, their families, and children. Thus ANY U.S. citizen caught cheering and applauding the Japanese Whalers is now complicit in advocating the poisoning of American citizens, and therefore that U.S. commenter is now a traitor against the sovereign United States and just cheered a foreign sect of extremists to violate American Rule of Law and poison American citizens.

Furthermore, anyone found attempting to invoke political diatribe, such as invoking any such comments of a partisan nature defaming conservatives, liberals, republicans, democrats, or any such malinformed politically biased smear comments (such as those identified as "diego garcia") should be aware of the following:

- JAPAN'S RULING PARTY (home of the Japanese Whalers) is the LIBERAL DEMOCRAT party.
- Paul Watson of Sea Shepherd is a Conservative (In fact, the word Conservative is encapsulated even inside the word Conservation in the very title of the Sea Shepherd CONSERVATION Society).
- Paul Watson was awarded the prestigious "Points of Light" AWARD by U.S. President George H.W. Bush.
- The US State Department Forcibly Opposes Japanese Whaling

"The US has forcefully expressed opposition to Japans scientific whaling program. The US supports the moratorium banning commercial whaling adopted by the IWC in effect since 1986 and opposes Japanese whaling"

-Richard Boucher
Undersecretary for Public Affairs

[Any US citizen siding with Foreign whalers are traitors Against their own nation]

Britain is also AGAINST the Japanese Whaling Fleet.


Britain voted AGAINST the Japanese Fishing Fleet at the U.N. hearing on listing the Bluefin Tuna as an endangered species under the CITES Treaty.

Australia has now filed a Lawsuit against the Japanese Whalers in International Court. Whereas SeaShepherd members are authorized to travel freely throughout Australia, the UK, the US, etc, the Japanese Whaling Fleet was convicted on Federal Charges in Australia, and if a Japanese Whaler sets foot in Australia the Whalers will be arrested on Federal Charges. Whaling is also classified as a FEDERAL CRIME by the United States. And Japan now has charges filed against it and will be brought to trial in the INTERNATIONAL COURT OF JUSTICE, in The HAGUE.

U.S. Government Printing Office GPO Access [CITE: 50CFR230.3]

"It is unlawful for a person subject to U.S. jurisdiction to: engage in whaling in violation of the US Convention, IWC regulations, commit this Act or breach a US Commerce regulation; to ship, transport, purchase, sell, offer for sale, import, export or possess a whale or whale meat products."



US: "We call on Japan to refrain from conducting this year's hunt." demanded U.S. STATE Department Spokesperson SEAN McCORMACK, "especially with respect to humpback, and fin whales."

The US has now demanded Japan halt their entire lethal whale hunt, stating Japan's acts were a ruse for avoiding non-lethal techniques, and that Japan's targeting of endangered species has especially angered America and top US Officials.

Sean McCormack
U.S. State Department Spokesperson

June 24, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterCOMMISSIONER


Nice to know that my post has been "recorded and logged." I'm looking forward to the day that the black helicopters come for me.

In the mean time, so long as you keep puting your shit on tv and asking people to pick sides don't get all pissy when they pick against you.


June 28, 2010 | Unregistered Commenterdvr

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