Tossing Tactics

Some very funny shite from the mad scientists at Idylwilde.
If we were to add one piece of creative feedback it would be to put the rock in the back of the neo waders next time.

fly fishing video,
idylwilde flies in
Film and Video,

Reader Comments (14)
He should keep the wig and teeth and make a Shawn White instructional vid.
River etiquette.... freakin' hilarious!
That's hilarious i want fishing gear like that. What do you mean i'm sure that's Shawn white.
This is a personal attack against someone in the flyfishing industry and makes me sick ,I cant say that i agree with throwing rocks to move fish but Me and a few others will no longer buy idywilde merchandise .This video is wrong and really makes fun of someone who has done alot in the fly industry and helps out with casting for a cure and also getting vetrans who have been wounded in battle out fishing again . Not to mention that most of you wouldn't know what steelhead where without him . personally im digusted with the whole thing .The fly fishing industry is fighting hard enough to help fish ,yet shit like this makes a divide amongst us .Sure it looks funny but it is an attack from one company on another !
It is not a personal attack. It is a satire of a video that Jim Teeny made called Breaking with Tradition There is nothing in the the satire video that says anything about Jim's products, his company or what he has contributed to the fly fishing Industry making it a personal attack. You seem to be reading more into it than everyone else is.
In the future more video's that will satire Idylwilde and the people there as well as other fishing celebrities and fishing tactics will be contributed to me and will be posted. SNL, The Onion, Jon Stuart, Conan O'Brien etc... satire things every day and these are not considered personal attacks. You are right Jim Teeny has made contributions to fly fishing, that doesn't mean that one of his video's can't be the subject of a satire. Presidents do lots of good and they are subjects of satire.
So let me get this right. You are saying that any person who puts them self out there as a public figure as long as they; contributes to the fly fishing industry, are generally a good person and help others out cannot be the subject of some humor? That would mean that I to cannot be the subject of jokes and humor because I make anglers more awesome, contribute to the industry, donate to the Native Fish Society, donate to fishy kid etc... Wrong. By producing a Blog I am putting myself out there every day and there are going to be people that will eventually take some thing I say or do on that public site and make fun of it. Doesn't mean it is a personal attack on me or my company. It means they saw an opportunity to have some fun and ran with it. If I am not comfortable with that possibility then I would not have started the Idylwilde Blog.
All satire stings, or at least the good stuff. Keep up the good work Zach!
Hey everybody, It's Mike Nutto, Blog analysis CEO! He doesn't like it, so that means something i guess. Posse up! Doesn't even realize he drank the koolaid, fell for the bait, hook line sinker capeche! Thanks for running your pie hole Mike, you just made blogs more successful.
Californian's aren't liked by Oregonian's. Got my tires slashed in Idaho. Was told too learn how to cast in Montana, then told to go home to my native Utah. You got work to do on divisions Mike!
its all fun and games till someone gets bent.
good stuff Zach.
Idylwilde and i don't play well together
Shut the fuck up Mike you fuckin pussy ass bitch sounding like a bitch on the rag whining about your pussy hurting. Worry about who the president is or something important like where your fucking tampon is you fucking make me bent.
Who really give a fuck? Like it or move on.
yeah, mike, fucking cool it.
Nutto - you've said more than once now that you will no longer support Idylwilde...but you remain as a fan on their FB page...please stop talking about how the industry is being divided when you yourself are divided between what you say and what you do.