"Shame on you Gail Shea"

In light of recent B.C. discussion (April Vokey Fishschtick Episode 27 interview included), this clip couldn't be more timely. Unfortunately, it's PETA driven.
Shame on Gail Shea? Shame on her hair stylist as well.
b.c. steelhead,
gail shea,
skeena river management in

Reader Comments (5)
Yeah, PeTA, let's celebrate the group that fights to end all fishing, including guys and girls who flyfish.
Even though it is PETA doing it, Gail Shea needed to be pied. She should resign for her inability to properly manage our fisheries, especially here in BC. Her unwavering support for open-pen aquaculture from international corporations doesn't help her cause either, given how destructive they are to wild stocks.
Just mute it when the PETA ninny starts yipping.
I am all over it. I Love it every time I post it Including here (Thanks for the props). I say Yeah PETA "Shame on you Gail Shea". Than let folks know I am for clubbing those nasty cod eating bastards and hell they make great dubbing for Spey and Salmon flies. Just try to get some good old action on fisheries up here in Canada Hell I am all for a high-jack. SHAME ON YOU GAIL SHEA. SHAME.
When I get the money, I WILL be hunting the scum who do cruelty to any animals. I will see to it personally and I'll do it with a smile on my face! Skinning humans for their skins and let them watch as prices are discussed on how much it can fetch. They won't die quickly either! They will pray for death and they shall NOT find it.
Retribution is coming!