Fly Fishing Etsy
Wednesday, September 23, 2009 at 12:05AM
It's been a few months since our last search for fly fishing on Etsy. Etsy is a great place to find fly fishing related art and other handmade items.
Original hand-carved, hand-printed, and hand-colored brook trout print by Byrdcall.
2/0 Salmon/steelhead fly from Buttersworth Fly Shop. LINK
Wet fly etched pint glass, pint not included. This listing is for a pint glass, but the design can be sand carved into any type of glass or even a tile for a coaster. LINK
AD Maddox artwork switchplates by Frecklefaceka. LINK
Granite fly tying base, vise not included. LINK
Finally, the perfect gift for all your Hummer driving friends. LINK
El Guapo | 8 Comments |
tagged etsy, fly fishing art, fly fishing gifts in Art, Gifts
Reader Comments (8)
that hummer sticker fits the tool who would drive it
I actually have one of the granite kidding--weighs in at around 76 pounds.
A hummer, are you serious.... I would walk before I drove that P.O.S. unless I could wear a jacket with tassels and boots with fur, oh and some cool leather gloves... It has D-bag written all over it.
Betcha' the guy in the Hummer has got some real nice sticks he's never thrown, as@#ole.
the byrdcall shirts are nice.
I love fly fishing in the fall because there are fewer people on the water, flows have typically calmed down, and the big bugs always seem to come out in full force.
There are some drawbacks to fall fly fishing, too. The weather starts to turn, the days become shorter, and the big bugs always seem to come out in full force.
EL GUAPO, thank you for posting this blog! I am the switch plate maker - and I've gotten some orders because of you! I appreciate the business!
i've got a bunch more at
... and the artist, AD Maddox's website is