Fucking With Snobby Bastards

Bruce McGee takes on elitist fly fishing buggers.
I can just picture two distinguished gentleman sitting around a fine home somewhere. Nigel and Ian would be there names and I can just hear Nigel saying you feel that Ian? Feel what my good man? Ian replied I sense a disturbance in the force like some grubby nutter is fondling a poor unsuspecting fly rod. That conversation probably took place the day I decided to start fly fishing. Because while I respect its tradition and honor it’s past, I have no issue with making it something uniquely mine. That means screaming a giant fuck you at yuppie buggers who seem to think that the sport is still only for the elite of this world. That you must be of a certain class to dare cast a finely made fly rod. While that sentiment isn’t common among all fly fishermen, it’s present in enough of them to piss me off. So being me I make it my mission to fuck with people like that.
LINK (Via: Morphine Nation)

Reader Comments (15)
This reminds me of east-coast fly fishing
are you kidding this dbag is just as much whats wrong as the snobby pricks. blaring metallica in the parking lot... he also has no clue what he talking about...clearly the snobby dudes are all outfitted with cabelas gear...ha
East Coast... yeah right you fucking idiot. There are just as many in the west.
They are every where...
Yikes! What a shame...I'd just had my knickers pressed.
fuck the yups !
1) If I saw a couple of dudes dressed in tweeds on the river, I'd find that kind of amusing. Kind of like seeing old guys wearing knickers on a golf course.
2) The Henry Hale Orviston's have been replaced by the dudes decked out in head to toe Simms and Sage gear that they paid full retail for their "sponsorship".
3) When you're on the water, who cares what other people are wearing?
Who is this guy? The fashion police?
agree with mjg, who cares, and now a days FF is full of "extreme lifestyle flyfishing" which is getting old quickly.
shut up and fish.
omg fly fishermen are snobby ? It isnt about who has the best gear , or the best pole or who plays punk music (cause I do thank you ) the fact of the matter is we should learn to respect one another ,have some eithics and forget who has what .Endlessly we argue and for what ? I dont care if you can cast or not if you are out there you are a fishermen .I cant tell you how many times ive been low holed or had bait guys snag my stuff .I dont care !!!! mI just keep fishing .Do you think the fish are down there going hey george do you see the guy in the tweed only the upper class fish bite on his line ? You all need to get a cool including the ding bat that wrote this ! Just go fish and forget about everyone else .
Oh and by the way ,That shit about you catching so many fish ,stop jerking your ego so much no one cares !
Save the wild fish kill a hatchery fish !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Whoa , filthy language !! Seems like this is some twisted up stuff. I like Simms, Sage, Lamson and Loop gear its suits me well. Am I crazy or stuck up? I am a single hand fly guy who uses egg patterns , buggers and stone flies. I've eaten and smoked a few fish.
See it is easy to offend multiple groups without f-bombs. Don't dis what you dont understand. Trout Fishing in England is good stuff. I've caught fish on bait, am I going to hell?
We have enough problems in this world wthout F'in fassion police.
First post on Moldy Chum that I wish I never read. He probably likies fish sticks, now thats funny..
My shit doesn't stink either.
You're all fucked
I dress like that and even my Mom thinks I'm a twat!!!!!!!!!!!
ian and nigel don't bother me none. neither do billy bob and earl. this sort of divisive bullshit is immature - and exactly what fly-fishing doesn't need.
i'm introducing a new catchy slogan today: rude isn't cool!
gonna make some nifty window decals, fish tshirts, trucker hats, and get a hot chick holding a fly rod to do a video trailer.