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Letter to the Editor


From: Jake

Subject: Girlie Boys

Dear Moldy Chum,

I can't believe that a fly fishing site like this is hosted by little girlie boys that are afraid of Dick Cheney.Come on boys spit out Mommies boobie and strap on some balls. The world is a lot bigger than Daddies trust fund has taken you.

Keep your site interesting and drop the politics. Not everyone has been handed life on a silver platter. Nothing more deflating than having fun interrupted by ignorance. Do yourself a favor and ignore the hate Bush crybabies and stick to the facts about fly fishing.


Wow.  Jake has some interesting assumptions - which leads us to our brief response.

To: Jake

From: Moldy Chum

Subject: Re: Girlie Boys

Dear Jake,

Not sure about B2, but my mother was so flat that I actually had to breastfeed with a straw.  You're a cruel, cruel dude to rekindle such memories. 

As far as sticking to the facts about fly fishing - you're giving us way too much credit.


-EJR, Chum Editor 

P.S. I voted for Bush. Actually kinda like the guy - even if he is a knob.

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Reader Comments (9)

Who is Bush? I voted for the Paddle Fish guy. We are talking about SOTY right.

May 7, 2009 | Unregistered Commentercastingoutloud

Chumnation, The Perfect Mix!
(cheney?..cheney? mean the guy in the wheelchair with the shotgun right?..didn't he run for office once?)

May 7, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterDeerhawk

I'm totally jaded with 'the facts about flyfishing' actually... why i read the chum gnome-sane?

May 7, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterHarrison Nash

Dear other (slightly more anal retentive) Jake

dude, the only reason Dick Cheney came up was because there was a story that related him to flyfishing. That story stirred a little sarcastic humor about Vice President Sure Shot.

Its a blog. Blogs are about discussion, brainstorming, community and in this case, parody.

So if your so concerned about the "facts" of fly fishing take your strap on balls and go read wikipedia.

Moldy Chum is my favorite sight on the web, keep up the good work!!!


I've seen firsthand that politicians will kill a good trout stream in the name of lakefront development (The Little Tennessee) and/or industrial interests (The Pigeon River) simply so their bloated asses can pad their own wallets. Anyone who cares about the places we fish or hunt needs to pay attention to who we have in office and quit buying that crap that just because you don't want a four lane or a strip mall or a paper mill screwing up your local wilderness, you are somehow a hippie environmentalist. I didn't vote for that crew that just left office (although I did vote for his dad) because their record on conservation showed they'd sell any one of our rivers out from under us if there was money or political hay to be made from it.

I had it hard growing up and my older brother volunteered and did 2 tours in Vietnam while little rich boys got deferments and cashed in political favors to stay out of the conflict. So "Jake" don't talk to me about strapping on balls OR "silver tit syndrome". The irony might be a little too much for you to handle.

As far as I'm concerned, you good folks at the Chum can heap all the crap on that bunch of twits you want to.

May 7, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterKnox

Aren't Bush and Cheney trust fund babies?

May 7, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterJim


May 7, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterGuerillafish

I gotta admit, you are getting lamer here as time goes by.
You do look like douche bags sometimes. Sorry. Have a nice day!

May 8, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterBunkhouse Bill

The political BS is something that keeps Moldy interesting. Thank you for holding politicians accountable for their actions. I'm glad that there is hope for the future of our water ways now that someone new is in office. If you don't like the site don't view it.

May 8, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterMatt Kathan

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