Keeping Fly Fishing Weird

They rocked the house at the independently promoted Fly Fishing Film Tour event in Austin.
Tosh Brown and his inspired group of volunteers estimate they injected 18K into the local fly fishing community.
LINK (Via:The Fly Fishing Film Tour)
It Was a Stone Groove (Via:The Fly Fishing Chick)

fly fish chick,
fly fishing film tour,
tosh brown in
Film and Video

Reader Comments (4)
that was a sick cirlce spey, must be using a wind cutter
the the Fu@*!!!!
Brilliant, Hire this guy to go fishing with you on crowded streams - let him mingle. That'll get you all the best holes. Fishing holes - argh - it's just so wrong.
$18k in to the local beer economy is more like it.
Gotta love the heckle at Tosh after that intro "HE SAT IN YOUR TRUCK!"