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SkeenaWild Ads

Salmon have nourished the land, wildlife and communities along the Skeena for centuries. Even our economy has benefited, to the tune of $100 million every year. But our progress doesn't have to threaten their numbers. Together, let's welcome development that benefits all who live here.

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Reader Comments (3)

$100 million dollars sounds like a ton, but I heard that Enbridge has allocated $100 million dollars towards the marketing of the pipeline alone. These guys have huge amounts of money to burn.

They speak with so much confidence about how unlikely it would be to have a spill, but when it happens they tell you how fast they will react and take care of the problem. But by then its simply to late and the sad truth is that they simply don't give a crap about the wild resources, when there is BILLIONS of dollars in resource extraction to be made.

But there is still hope.

December 8, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterEl Paskador

Nice ads, I wonder where can I get a copy to hang on my door?

December 8, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterAndrew

Anyone catch the documentary Black Wave? It documented the Exxon oil spill and how, decades later, the place is totally ruined. Many of the "clean up efforts" were all for show and completely ineffective. Never trust a giant corporation out for profit, I don't care what company it is. Oil companies are historically low on the integrity pole and I wouldn't even mention the word honesty in the same sentence. I really wish I had a few billion dollars so I could buy giant tracks of land that could never be touched.

December 9, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterQueequeg

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