Remembering Rusty Gates

The Au Sable just lost the best friend it ever had. Calvin “Rusty” Gates Jr., Da Gator to his legion of acquaintances, passed away on 19 December 2009. Things in this beautiful valley will never be the same. LINK
Au Sable,
rusty gates in

Reader Comments (4)
RIP Rusty
Rusty may have done more for the AuSable and its fish then anybody has done for a fishery. If you have or plan to fish the AuSable, you owe him a large debt of gratitude. He will be missed.
He was rough and grough and he had the balls to tell you where you stood in his eyes. That's why we loved him.
Rusty was a true visionary who stood up for what he believed in.
Although he had the right idea with the Anglers of the Ausable, but their membership is weak, endowment is limited and they haven't done jack shit in the last decade.
He will be missed.
Not so fast Mickey Finn. For most of the past decade, Rusty and the Anglers have been fighting both the US Forest Service and Savoy Energy to stop them from drilling the Mason Tract. That was a huge victory. Also, large woody debris, cedars, cleanups, etc.
The membership may be small, but it's filled with some very dedicated people, all trained by Rusty himself. He will continue to cast a long line.
Here's to Rusty, sittin' on a log at dusk...