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Down on the Farm

Fly Fishing for Monster Wild Bows in Georgia from Bent Rod Media on Vimeo.

 It's like Suzanne Summers at fat camp.  Proof that Georgia does have hoppertunities. 

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Reader Comments (49)

Hey James-
I have an aquarium (a glass box that holds water), if it suits you i'll throw a nice'n in thar ya can come o'ver n see if ya kaint fish him outta thar. By the way, where can I find ya'lls video where ya'll Noodle em thar fishes outta the thar fishing hole.
I do not live out west, I live in E. TN. ever heard of it? Yes, I am lucky enough to live in an area that naturally produces real wild trophy trout on a few rivers and many streams. I personally invite you up for an eye-opening experience. It is not people like me or anyone else who you so eloquently cursed and shared your fine culture with that give fly fishing for trout a bad name. It's people that don't truly understand what fly fishing for trout is about, yet post "fishing porn" on the net, people that can only have a good day if they catch a "trophy" fish regardless of the method or people that can take a beautiful wild thing out of its natural habitat and put into a place that is so alien that it (the fish in this case) no longer resembles any of the identities that in its natural state make it a thing of beauty. You see Mr. James it is not that I think you unworthy of fooling a fish, or lacking the talent to fight one. It's just that I view your methods as the rape of the natural world for you own glory. I understand that logistically you cant just go out for a couple hours and do a little trout fishing. But, is that the fish's fault? What gives you the right to manipulate millions of years of evolution for self gratification? Oh yeah... the same people that gave it to A. Rod and think the steroid era of baseball is fine cause there are more homers. You see Mr. James you are no different than and juicing baseball player. You don't play because you love the game. You play because you need self-gratification
Suggestion; to all of those who struggle to find the reason why men fish. Believe me I am no fly fishing snob, I have fly fished for trout for the better part of 25 years and have introduced many

November 24, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterAndy C.

men and women from all walks of life to the sport I love, because I love it. But I noticed its the ones that fall in love with the beauty and rewards of the chase that have found a lifetime of satisfaction. For those of you that struggle with complacency, take a book, a journal, a camera engulf yourself into the natural world surrounding you, engage yourself in it. Don't manipulate it. Mr. James for you because you seem to have so far to go. I suggest Walden Pond. Its a classic, about the natural world, self-satisfaction, the simple life and why modern manipulation though may grant you your selfish desires. Ultimately, when it all said and done you will never be satisfied. For it is not the fish true fishermen seek.
Best of luck catching the true trophy.
Andy C. from E TN

November 24, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterAndy C.

Andy my friend you sound like you need a hug? Did daddy do something to you on a "Private" trout stream? I bet your one of the many standing along the banks on the SO HO chucking streams with 0x trying to snag a trophy. Only to turn around, get on your soapbox and preach how unethical everyone else is.

Nice Video Guys...Keep it up.....the world needs more fly fishing PORN!!! As always CHUM ROCKS!!!!

November 25, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterSo Ho River Runner

Wow, some people just can't sit back and enjoy a fishing film. Wild or stocked - what's wrong with ANY dry fly take? Especially while on a computer and not at the stream. Nice work BRM.

November 25, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterCHUMp

Wow! Lively debate on this one! I agree with Andy C. as I also live in E. TN and frequently fish the "So Ho" (previously known as the South Holston before flyfishing became the new snowboarding) and the Watauga. As for So Ho River Runner, if he does actually fish the South Holston than he, more than anyone, should appreciate the beauty of a wild rainbow or brown. Fish out of the S. Holston are as healthy or healthier than any brown out west and if he does "Run" the river he should be thankful that he lives in an area with such a pristine fishing resource.

However, for people who actually live in E. TN, the South Holston has unfortunately turned into a zoo because so many people have heard the stories of people lining up at the power lines in the fall/winter at the butt crack of dawn trying to catch a trophy on a hook with black yarn tied on it. I can't really say those people are wrong, but the phrase "shooting fish in a barrel" does come to mind.

As for the video, no way those fish are "wild" and I particularly enjoyed the interview with Magnum P.I. in his car. I couldn't tell if that was Higgins in the back seat since he had his hoody on.

November 25, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterAndy H.

Yo Andy C,

I think you have confused James as one of our crew. Thats not the case. But I do commend him for speaking his mind. And obviously you have some built up frustration. I know this Asian girl that can help!

This is a promo video, get over it. Along with a little fish porn. Who cares if they are stocked or not. No one twisted your arm and made you fish there.

The only fish stocked in this section were to replace the ones lost during the drought a few years back, and to my knowledge, they are not sterile. Thats it. Not all are wild fish, but natural reproduction does take place, and there are all age classes of fish in there. Which makes a vast majority of them wild. You take a stream with natural reproduction, good food sources, and leave it unmolested for 40 to 50 years and you get NCF. Call it what you want, but until you see it for yourself, you really don't have a leg to stand on.

As far as East Tenn. goes, don't preach that crap to me. I happen to live in NW NC, and I fish the So Ho and Watauga more than most. Yeah there is lots of natural reproduction, but Tenn stocks a piss load of bows in each. So that makes those waters no different than Noontootla.

On another note, Andy H takes the cake with the Magnum PI quote. Nice!!!!!!

Chum Rocks

November 25, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterBRM

Huggie Bear...hopefully he will lead the Mounties to a big east title this year. I was the one in the hoodie. Didn't get home till 4am and had to go to work for 12 hrs at 7am. I was trying to sleep but as you can tell by the other 2 BRM fools with me that is impossible. I've had the pleasure to fish both the SO HO and Watauga. Beautiful Streams and Fish. I've fished private water here in WV before and they would hit anything that smacked the top of the water and once they saw you the would follow you around like pets. I figured this trip to GA would be the same if not worse. I was 100% wrong. The fish were skiddish, selective and beautiful in color, just like a wild Watauga Bow. The size of the fish vs the size of the stream made things even harder. Naturalized Wild Native Stocked it doesn't matter it was about the experience. Our group learned a lot about our abilities as fishermen and photography. Like MoldyC said why does it matter.....the goal is to make you want to get out and go fish. Take care of the stream, it's surroundings and its inhabitants. If you desire so badly to prove any of us wrong give Kent a call and schedule a trip. You will be begging for his assistance after the fishless frustration sets in.

November 25, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterBayE

I hope its BBQ sauce because that's something us southerns know how to do better than any of you rocky mountain self proclaimed trout bums. And just keep hating on our fantastic climate because last time i checked the Chattahoochee regularly produces 20+ wild brown and stocked bows. Call it what you will and hate on it as much as you want but my living room is littered with pics of me with those rich people trout and I love it. Especially since I work for a Fortune 25 company and live 5 minutes from a DH section of the Hooch that satisfies fly addiction. So in the spirit of the Playas Ball - Hate Hate Hate Hate.....

November 25, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterCraig

BRM, thanks for the Magnum shout out. I will say I thought the video was well put together. As for Craig's post, I agree. It's kind of like skiing in North Carolina....sure it's not Mammoth or Vail, but it is a hill with snow on it.

November 25, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterAndy H.

If i had the money, I would figure out a way to turn some little creek into the kamchatka too so i can't blame anybody about it. And I commend the producers for quality fish porn even if it has a questionable foundation.

Support the Chum!

November 25, 2009 | Unregistered Commentergreenboat

Now we are talking guys... Hey we never represented this as the greatest place ever. I mean for the Southeast, it is above average fishing. Yeah its private, but the money you pay keeps this place going and allows guides to earn a living, and thats what counts!

Just like a lot of those private spring creeks in Montana, hell they are all in the same boat. And the Arroyo Pescado in Argentina has a rod fee. I believe AEG media filmed that one on TBD 1.

Bottom line was this was a promo, filmed to promote a really cool place, and let other know there is something other than pellet hogs. I will be back, I hear some huge browns migrate up there during the winter. They come from the Toccoa!

Chum Rules

November 25, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterBRM

hey canada, I am the mustachioed gentlemen you refer to being scripted. I take offense sir, in order to script those comments that would have to mean that I was literate, and as you can see I clearly am not. Poor form sir, I expect more out of our brothers from another mother to the north. Mustaches rule, Magnum PI rules, Higgins Rules, and you sir blow canadian donkeys.

November 26, 2009 | Unregistered Commenternymph-o

Holy shit boys!

We're gonna have to settle this with a shotgun fight.....

November 26, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterDick Cheney

"Yeah its private, but the money you pay keeps this place going and allows guides to earn a living, and thats what counts" making guides money is not the most important thing. more guiding does nothing but make it harder for the average man to get away from there overpaid people. i have diy fished all over the world on a limited budget and been skunked more times then i would like to say guides just make it harder for true fly fishers to get away from guys looking for a tip and there "johns" DIY TILL I DIE"

November 26, 2009 | Unregistered Commentercanada eh

Guides are the stewards of most of the areas they fish. They are there because they are educated, trustworthy, and fantastic at what they do. Since you "travel all over the world" and fish new locations maybe you should entrust in a guide for a day that knows the area. You would get the skunk off quicker. USA USA USA USA USA

November 27, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterBayE

seems like a shit-storm follows these guys all the time

November 27, 2009 | Unregistered Commenterfinclipper

Fin you must be another WvAngler Pussie....

November 27, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterBayEkane

Fin are you another big fat brookie that can't get out and fish? Let alone trying to find a nitch in the industry?? You fat waste of life.

November 27, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterBayEkane

Great work guys. Forget all the negativity from the "holier than thou anglers". That attitude is the primary reason many are turned off to learning to fly fish. Who wants to hang out with elitist peckers?

The most important thing is that people are having a good time (and its legal). Who cares if they're 3 inch nuisance brook char, delayed harvest stockers, or 18" wild browns from the Madison (which, by the way, were stocked at some point). Take advantage of what your local waters have to offer.

November 28, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterDBH

hey Andy, if you call flossing large browns off the gravel in Tennessee real fishing then.... you can go fuck yourself.

Canada, stay in Canada. You must have some French blood in you

November 28, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterDBH

You still would be to if you didn't get asked to leave, And I wasn't making a bad comment toward this video, saying "a shit storm follows these guys" isn't making fun of you, it was meaning just leave these guys alone. But I wouldn't call anyone fat because you don't look all that skinny yourself. If you hate wvangler, why don't you quit posting your shit on that site.

November 28, 2009 | Unregistered Commenterfinclipper

Hey Fin, Ignore Baye, WVangler is a sensitive spot with him...... Just because thats the only place the storm seems to loom.

Water under the bridge......

November 28, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterRJ

I didn't really start anything.....

November 28, 2009 | Unregistered Commenterfinclipper

OK, first off, everyone knows cork makes the best pellet flies. I mean, duh!

I've never fished the creek in question, but I have fished some wild streams in the southeast that do support fish like the ones Kent is catching. I did like the video, found it entertaining. I just want to stand in a stream, watch the mayflies float downriver like delicate sailboats pitching with the ebb and flow. A trout slowly rises in the dancing waters, gently sipping Paraleptophlebia Adoptiva before retreating to his cover this right? What is right? What is a wrong? Is wrong a pellet fly or a hopper? Look at California and Montana having stocked fish...several spring creeks (I think they call 'em Cricks out there) feed in MONTANA...CAN YOU BELIEVE IT? WOW. I mean, really. They're just trout. It's not like they're something cool like bonefish or tarpon...or a carp.

December 30, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterYallerhammer

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