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What? Sean Hannity wasn't available?

Just a couple of days until the American Museum of Fly Fishing's Angler's All Presentation featuring former Vice President Dick Cheney as the keynote speaker! 

We just went to the AMFF site to check on any last minute updates and we find out that warming up the stage for Dick will be former Wyoming Senator Alan Simpson, current Wyoming Senator Mike Enzi, and the former bow tie wearing, Dancing with the Stars dropout and Fox News commentator, Tucker Carlson. When you've already got Cheney as your keynote guy why not add a few of his friends?

The Wyoming Senate contingent can warm up the audience with how they helped Dick turn Wyoming's Powder River Basin into a forest of Halliburton drilling rigs and toxic alkaline holding ponds. Maybe Mr. Enzi can proudly share with the audience his 18% environmental voting record rating from the League of Conservation Voters? Tucker Carlson can then charm the crowd with how he is truly the face of the Fly Fishing Museum demographic. You know it was tough growing up as a kid whose Dad is the U.S. Ambassador to the Seychelles and with a Mom who is heiress to the Swanson Food conglomerate fortune. How many times poor Tucker had to beat up the other kids in Blue Blazers who made fun of his brother, Buckley Swanson Peck Carlson. Finally, Tucker can offer up some pointers on how not to do the Cha Cha at the next singles dance down at the yacht club.

Dear museum execs and trustees,

If you're going to defend your Cheney invite by claiming your not a political organization, you should not torpedo that defense by inviting his political allies and commentators from "news" organizations that defended his shitty environmental policies.

Watch Tucker and Begala get their heads handed to them by Jon Stewart on Crossfire... the show was cancelled soon after this exchange.

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Reader Comments (28)

Amen. The Crossfire piece is a classic. Jon Stewart is not your monkey.

November 10, 2009 | Unregistered Commentertacklebill

Another recent Stewart classic.

November 10, 2009 | Registered CommenterEl Guapo

I loved it the first time I saw it, the man is righteous.

November 10, 2009 | Unregistered Commenterphishman

Classic john stewart being an ass

November 10, 2009 | Unregistered Commentertailfin

Whats the matter, nobody buying $800 sticks of graphite or $500 aircraft grade titanium hand milled reels, or $75 weight forward floating line, or spending thousands of dollars to go on a scheduled boat ride with a guide anymore?

What the fuck do you care if Dick Cheney is the keynote speaker at yet another "fly fishing museum" I know of three already.

November 10, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterBrian

I'm glad you guys took a stand on this. That takes a pair. It's unacceptable what the AMFF is doing. The AMFF's celebration of a man that is directly responsible for making the places we fish polluted makes me sick.

November 10, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterVince

It's about money suckers, has everybody forgotten that Cheney is still one of the richest men in the U.S.? Rich guys tend to hang with other rich guys. It's all about fund raising. What was that profession where you sold yourself to old rich white guys called again?

November 10, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterFisky

Brian's comment is interesting to say the least. I never considered "Dick" to be an angler at all let alone a fly fisher. Everyone knows his MO and the people he hangs out with...I'm sure he throws a tight loop as efficeintly as he bird hunts!

Watch out, that 1/0 stainless steel hook-deceiver will wing by your head and bloody your ear. Do you think Dick could land a 100 lb tarpon? I'd like to see that on youtube.

November 10, 2009 | Unregistered Commenterhumbleangler

lets hear your rant against the tribe.

November 10, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterJim O

you guys will look for anything to wine about.. makes me laugh. All of the speakers, including Cheney happen to be high priority people who enjoy fly fishing.. Why not invite them? I doubt very much that the AMFF has much of a political agenda anyway. If you could have the former vice president who happens to fly fish speak at your next dinner party i'm sure you would. (After you asked him to sign your favorite fishing hat)

November 10, 2009 | Unregistered Commenterridiculous stuff

ridiculous stuff: why not invite him? because he is a total asshole. speak for yourself that you would invite him to your "dinner party". i'd rather eat alone.

November 10, 2009 | Unregistered Commenterchuss

"High Priority People"? What the He&% is that? I wonder what will be on the agenda . . . A nice glass of water (treated by KBR), A lukewarm MRE, ambience provided by a cyalume stick, music provided by the "Staccato AK's" (a great Iraqi/Afghan Tribal Group), and desert . . . ahhh- nothing like a bag of m&m's.

"High Priority People" . . . what a carp!

November 10, 2009 | Unregistered Commenterhmmmm . . .

Stewart is a smug A-hole who is criticizing where he has no right. He keeps criticizing the 2 journalists then retreating to his "I'm a comedy show and I don't have to" excuse. It's like somone who has a trust fund and doesn't have to work criticizing someone on welfare for not working and calling them lazy, then defending themselves becasue "they don't have to work, they don't need the money." He has no right to criticize something he doesn't do himself. Then any time they make a valid point he cracks a joke to sidetrack and dodge the question. What a cowardly piece of shit.
Standard hollywood bullshit. Full of general compalaints and unsubstaintiated claims without any detail or supprt (e.g. "please stop, you're hurting America"), but the public eats it up becasue as Americans we are generally uneducated idiots who favor fiction over fact. Let's all be mindless winers who bitch about evrything when we have no fact to back up our claims or better ideas to replace those we criticize. Way to go America. That's the kind of "change" we need.

November 10, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterPatchmatic

I hear a very whiney tone in the complaints about "Stewart." By this logic you have no right to say anything about "Stewart" because you have not had your own television show or been on Crossfire, and all the damage to the environment specifically talked about in this post is not real because we are uneducated. You may console yourself with ideas such as you are part of the only educated group in America and whine about '"change"' because you have chosen the Dark Side with the likes of Darth Cheney, however; you are the one with your head in the sand. The word is spelled whiner!

November 10, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterThankful to not be Pathmatic

Politics and religion...two topics that will get you thrown out of my boat and no refund!!!! Leave that shit in your car and save the political righteousness for another forum. Dems and repubs both suck as leaders remember they're politicians! Who gives a shit if there outdoorsy!!! What it all boils down to is greased pockets and under the table deal that fuck us!!!!! So leave to political discussion to another forum.

November 10, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterWT Bash

Finally someone with a logical argument! There will always be someone to point the finger at. You Gain one thing and loose another, someone wins, someone doesn't. In the end we all make adjustments and continue on with our lives. Might as well learn to enjoy it. Maybe I'll take a day of work and go fishing tomorrow......

November 10, 2009 | Unregistered Commenterjc

Right on Jc I got an open seat in my boat!!!

November 10, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterWT Bash

I agree politicians are corrupt scum balls and to be a politician in this modern world is to sell your soul. I wish there was no need for politics on this website and we could just read posts about fishing in one pristine spot or another. Truly leaving all the politics to the politicians would be wonderful and ideal. The problem being that without these politics there would be no fishing. We would most likely have dams on most major rivers. There would likely be no more Steelhead to catch and we would be going to other countries to catch their fish; these countries that had local interested fishermen defending their home waters from the environmental degradation that destroyed our home waters. These fishermen stood up and said NO like we do when we hear of the Pebble Mine or release a beautiful hard fought steelhead instead of killing it and taking it home. Politics has a place here because it needs a place somewhere. Perhaps, not on a boat but someplace where we can express opinions, disseminate information and do our part to stand up to greed and ignorance saying NO.

November 10, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterThankful to not be Pathmatic

First off, I don't align myself with the likes of Dick Cheney. I am a member of multiple conservation groups and donate to efforts such as anti-Pebble Mine on a regular basis. I didn't even vote for George W. Bush. Don't say that have joined any dark side nor judge me like you know who I am.

My post was strictly a commentary on Hollywood armchair experts who claim to be infallible and all-knowing when a majority of the time their arguments lack any strength or factual grounding. I wasn't commenting negatively on any conservation issues, just saying that Stewart was being an A-hole, which I think is undeniable. I even watch and like his show and appreciate it in the comedy forum where it belongs, but he doesn't belong on a serious debate show, which I think was made evident. If you missed that read my last post and rewatch the video. If you still don't get it, you don't understand logical discorse or formulation of an argument.

As for politics, I agree they are in general a regrettable yet necessary evil. I have a BA in political science from a good university and in 4 years the main thing I learned was that I want nothing to do with politics because 90% of it is B.S., so I went into business instead.

Thanks for the spellcheck on "whiners" pal, by the way you mis-spelled my name in your id name. Since you clearly have nothing better to do with your time try spell-checking this post, I don't doubt I mis-spelled a couple words in my haste.

I think the moral is that the moderators here should leave politics off the forum. I agree that Tucker Carlson is hilarious and he is a goon, but the post took an unnecessary political turn which we all could have done without. And to anyone who thinks the opinions of know-it-all actors are the solution to our problem, they can move to Canada with the Baldwins.

November 11, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterPatchmatic

Hmmm...insults an entire country as well...Patchmatic is a pinhead, moron.


November 11, 2009 | Unregistered Commentersalon_1928

Regardless Jon Stewart is still an Ass-hole.

November 11, 2009 | Unregistered Commentertailfin

You left wing wackos give fly fishers a bad name.

November 11, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterDVB

wait... did you just say that crossfire was a serious debate show!

November 11, 2009 | Unregistered Commenterfishlive

"Pal" I never stuck you in any hole that had not been previously dug by yourself. Commenting on uneducated Americans and dismissing all opinions but your own.
" Full of general compalaints and unsubstaintiated claims withnout any detail or supprt (e.g. "please stop, you're hurting America"), but the public eats it up becasue as Americans we are generally uneducated idiots who favor fiction over fact. Let's all be mindless winers who bitch about evrything when we have no fact to back up our claims or better ideas to replace those we criticize. Way to go America."
Sure sounds like you are tossing out every argument against Cheney and his record on conservation posted on this blog. The entire point of the posting was a comment on the inclusion of that "goon" Tucker and Cheney in the AMFF. Stewart is obviously not as highly trained in the great art of debate as you are, but he is at least calling Tucker, and by implication Cheney, out. Besides don't your comments, based again upon your rationalization, imply you are worse than "Hollywood" Stewart making you something of an arm armchair commentator. Interesting, I guess that makes me an arm, arm armchair commentator for bothering to answer. As your arm, arm armchair commentator I would like to point out that Moldy Chum is a blog with posts that we are currently commenting on. It has no moderator and the gang at Reel Pure can post as many political items as they wish. Also, Moldy Chum is American made but has an international readership, including Canada. The politics that you feel should be left off this blog pertain to fly fishing and to conservation. The mix of photographs, stories, politics, humor is what makes this blog interesting and so popular. In the end, the issues of conservation need a home, so why not here for the sake of our chosen passion and the remaining fishable wild areas that you obviously support.
Sure "pal" I can spend the time to correct your spelling just to help improve the education of all us uneducated American idiots, but I don't think I need a program to do that for me. I wonder if the university and degree you are rightfully proud of didn't stress spelling as much as it should have. I would like to say I am glad you caught the fact that I did spell your name incorrectly. It was entirely intentional. The new "Pathmatic" just sounds better. I do agree we (you and me) should leave politics off this blog for the benefit of all the other readers. Besides, this is an old post and I would much rather read and enjoy the newer posts, especially the political posts. I do hereby concede to your debating skills. No further comments will be made on this post. I am truly thankful to not be as Pathmatic as yourself, "pal."
Your list of words that were spelled incorrectly...
spell check
rewatch (not a word)

and just in the block quote...
and don't forget whiners

Truly sad my friend, Mr. Spell check. For the record I have nothing against Canada and visit there often - it's a fantastic country with great wildlife, little crime, proud people and a host of other admirable qualities. The Canada line was a reference (I thought an obvious one) to the Baldwin brothers who said they would move to Canada if Obama won the election, then obviously didn't. At least one celeb says this in almost every presidential election; it is a reference to the sheer political genius of hollywood.......oh forget, it. I'm wasting my time.

November 11, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterPatchmatic

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