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Entries in vintage chum (143)


Vintage Chum - Mermaid Edition

From the Western Filament website:

ONCE there was a man named Gus, who was bait-casting in a lake and foul-hooked a mermaid. When he reeled in and saw what was on his plug, he was furious. "Beat it, sister," he hollered. "G'wan, scram! Can't a guy fish in peace without some dizzy fish-tail dame butting in? Take off!"

I can't, stupid," said the mermaid, "I'm hooked right in the - well, see for yourself." "Gosh," said Gus, blushing, "you sure are! Here, take my pliers." While the mermaid was unhooking herself, Gus said, "Don't you know no better than to fall for a bass plug, dopey?" "Sure I know better," said the mermaid, "but this one what chugging along without a line on it! When I swam over to investigate, I accidentally got hooked. How can you fish a plug without a line?"

"I got a line, blondie," said Gus, "but it's one of them 'W-40' Bait Casting Lines, with the new scientific camouflage color that makes it practically invisible to fish. Also, 'W-40' Bait Casting Lines are smaller-diameter than other lines of the same test, so they're less visible on that score, too. It's on account of Western's exclusive 'Hot Stretch' process that removes surpl - hey, come back with them pliers, toots!" "In a minute, mac," said the mermaid, and sure enough she was back in a minute with an armload of bass. "Here," she said, throwing a couple of dozen big bass into the boat, "this will make up for spoiling your fishing. So long!"

As the mermaid was disappearing into the depths of the lake a warden came buy, found the big mess of bass in Gus's boat and hauled him off to a magistrate, who fined him fifty dollars for exceeding the creel limit. When Gus explained about the mermaid the judge fined him another ten bucks for being drunk.


Vintage Chum - Fish Postcards


Vintage Chum

A classic shot from the All the Best website.


Vintage Chum - Hardy's Circa 1930

Customer testimonial from the catalog.

I enclose cheque for 16ft Split Bamboo "Special" rod which arrived this afternoon. It is a very beautiful weapon and I am much obliged to you for your promptness in responding to my telegram.

- Field-Marshal Viscount Allenby

Of course we had to do a little research on Field Marshal Allenby. Turns out that in addition to being a fan of Hardy rods he is also quite famous.

Allenby commanded British forces in the Middle East during World War I. His victory over the Turks at Gaza in 1917 led to the capture of Jerusalem, and his capture of Damascus and Aleppo, ended Ottoman power in Syria. It was the last time calvary was to be decisive in modern warfare and Allenby and T.E. Lawrence of Arabia emerged from that part of the war as its most famous names. Allenby was also appointed high commissioner of Egypt and he steered that country to recognition as a sovereign state in 1922. The Field-Marshal retired from public service in 1925 and probably ordered that Hardy rod soon thereafter.

Hardy also liked to celebrate their casting exhibition victories with fancy posters.

Previously on MC


Vintage Chum - More Lefty Art Edition


Vintage Chum