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Entries in the drake magazine (5)


The Rise and Fall of the Drake

From the inbox.


Remember me?

My name is Benjamin Michael Whalen.  I'm an ex-fly fishing guide with a bit of a Xanax/Heroin addiction.  I'm currently detoxing in Arapahoe County Jail. 

This follow-up from our post earlier this year - read the rest of the update by Drake brother in arms - Will Rice here.


The Perfect Cure for the Shack Nasties

The latest issue of The Drake is on newsstands now. LINK


2010 Fly Fishing Film Tour Call for Entries

Fire up the handy cam! The Fly Fishing Film Tour has put out a call for 2010 entries. Some new rules apply which should make for a better tour.

Okay, so here's the deal. We aren't looking for Joe Blow's 10 minute handy cam video footage of his big fish that he raked off the river bottom, and we aren't looking for the all too familiar and overdone Saturday morning cable program "here's my big lodge and this is my celebrity guest who we are going to teach how to fish" footage either. We are seeking out the coolest, baddest, most unique fly fishing films that go far beyond the instructional elements to showcase and celebrate the creative, fun side of the fly fishing culture.

Requirements for film submission:

Submissions can be any length up to a 20 minute maximum.
Film submissions must be fly fishing related
Submissions must include the following;

1. Fully edited film tour submission up to 20 minutes long
2. 30 second max end credits for film credits and sponsor mentions
(Sponsor mentions must be at end of film in end credits only)
3. Teaser Trailer up to 5 minutes long to be uploaded on
4. Film Maker photo or film company logo
5. Photo stills from film (5 minimum)
6. 500 word description of film
7. 500 word film maker or company bio

Download the Entry Form and Rules on the Film Makers page at

Film Categories;

Program that features or emphasizes environmental or conservation issues/topics which directly impact wild fish species and their habitat.

Program that emphasizes social, cultural, economic, or spiritual aspects of people and their relationship with Fly Fishing.

Program made with an emphasis on a particular species of fish (Salt or Fresh). Not necessarily an environmental or conservation program.

Program that documents an exploratory fly fishing expedition to any part of the world.

Programs featuring an emphasis on humor and comedy

No "Instructional" "Self Help", "How To" or "Lodge/Outfitter/Guide Service promotion" films will be accepted.


Tonight in Seattle: Fly Fishing Film Tour

7pm - King Cat Theater

Sunday 03/08/2009

Adult $15 (ages 13-54, Age 55 & over $12 & Child 12 & Under $10

03/08/2009 7:00 PM