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Entries in sStop the Pebble Mine (4)


T-shirt of the Week - No Pebble Mine! Edition

Strip'n Flywear bringing it again on behalf of the fight against the Pebble Mine.

The proposed Pebble Mine fight is not over. Until the land is placed under protection, Bristol Bay will always be in jeopardy of greedy mining interests. Right now, proponents of the mine (shareholders) have turned to lobbying congress for exemptions to the Clean Water Act. In doing so, they are trying to undermine the EPA's efforts to protect this important resource.

Strip'n Flywear is proud to support the work of Sportsman's Alliance for Alaska. Last year, our Pebble Mine T shirt helped raise thousands of dollars that went directly to their watchdog efforts and keeping the public informed and up-to-date. Their dedication, since the beginning, has proven invaluable, and they still need our help.  

This year, we've added to the graphics, and we are offering the No Pebble T shirt on a soft, 100% organic cotton. For every T shirt sold, $5 will go directly to Sportsman's Alliance for Alaska. We'll also throw in some No Pebble stickers for you to express your continued support.



Robert Redford: Save Bristol Bay

Bobby Redford makes the case for Bristol Bay in this LA Times op-ed.



Politics and Biogeochemistry

Our favorite mining consultant Jack Caldwell weighs in on the names of those who will peer review the EPA report that says mine development poses a real risk to Bristol Bay.

LINK (via: I Think Mining)


No Interest In Pebble Project As An Open Pit Mine  

"I'm interested in looking at it from an underground perspective; I have no interest in looking at it from an overground perspective," Rio Tinto's CEO Tom Albanese told his shareholders at the company's annual general meeting here.

LINK (Via: Fox Business)
Rio Tinto has a minority share in Pebble through it's 19.6% stake in Northern Dynasty who owns the project with its partner Anglo American.