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Entries in spey (4)


March SOTM entry: OP Steel

Willauer displays a bit of good swinging on the OP.  I'd swing, eh, fish with that guy anyday.


Thrills, Chills & Skagitopia


Triple Double


Rain Coast beatdown

Smolt and Rathbun just got back from the annual post Bellevue fly show boondoggle.  We took everything Mother Nature threw and with the help of Raincoast Guides Jim Kerr, we had another ridiculously good time.


It started out unseasonably delicious.


Sol Duc 035 


Sol Duc 043   


Sol Duc 050 


Jim Kerr - the Olympic Peninsula's premier source of fishingenuity and the most entertaining drift jockey we know.  Note to self - never swig whiskey during a Kerr'ism.  It's not nearly as smooth when it shoots out your nose.


Sol Duc 028 


Before surrender, this dime induced a pleasant 100 yard shuffle up the MIDDLE of the Duc.


Sol Duc 038 


Which inspired some flask attention.



Sol Duc 072  


Just in time to prepare us for a climactic slap to the face.


Sol Duc 098