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Entries in sin represas (4)


Major Environmental Victory in Chile!

Huge news from Chile!

“Chile’s Committee of Ministers – the country’s highest administrative authority – has cancelled the environmental permits for the five-dam hydropower project, HidroAysén, effectively stopping the scheme that threatened the Baker and Pascua Rivers in Patagonia.” –Emily Jovais, International Rivers

LINK (via:The Cleanest Line)


Patagonia Rising Trailer

Patagonia Rising investigates a plan to build five large hydroelectric dams on two of the world's purest free-flowing rivers in Chile. Tracing the hydrologic cycle of the Baker River from ice to ocean, Patagonia Rising brings voice to the South American cowboys, Gauchos, caught in the crossfire of future energy demands.


Not all the news is good on the dam front

Chile's Supreme Court has ruled in favour of a multi-billion dollar dam project in Patagonia.

LINK (Via: BBC News)

The global angling community should be raising it's voice in opposition to these dam projects.

A supplemental documentary to the film 180° South by Woodshed Films showcasing Patagonia's battle against hydroelectric dams.


Sin Represas! - Without Dams

Photo: Tim Davis

I was one of approximately 500 Patagonia employess banging on cookware in opposition to the proposed construction of five mega-dams in Chile’s wild Aysén region. In Chile and other Spanish-speaking countries they call it a caceroloza – a stew-pot protest. I was in Ventura for our bi-annual sales meeting and the protest was organized because of Patagonia’s long abiding connection to the area that is its namesake.

LINK (Via: The Cleanest Line)

You can send your messages of support to the campaign by posting on the Patagonia Sin Represas Facebook page.