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Entries in searsville dam (4)


"If and when Stanford will let them" 

Photo: Matt Stoecker

Federally threatened steelhead trout could return to the creeks upstream of Stanford University's Searsville Dam within weeks if the structure is taken down, according to a new report from a biologist and proponent of the dam's removal.

Matt Stoecker based his assessment primarily on the widespread presence of rainbow trout, a close cousin of the oceangoing steelhead, in Corte Madera Creek and its tributaries. The fish rely on the same kind of freshwater habitat early in their life cycle, he said.

LINK (via: Santa Cruz Sentinel)

Tell Stanford to remove the Searsville Dam.


The case for removing Searsville Dam

Stanford Alumni Kimbery Milligan urges her alma mater to take out their deadbeat dam.

LINK (Stanford Daily)


San Francisquito Creek - #5 on the 2014 List of America's Most Endangered Rivers 

Running through downtown Palo Alto and Menlo Park, San Francisquito Creek harbors one of the last wild steelhead runs in the San Francisco Bay. However, Stanford's Searsville Dam blocks them from reaching critical year round streams, leaving the next generation to wonder who is responsible for the deaths of threatened steelhead in the creek. 

TAKE ACTION: Tell Stanford to remove Searsville Dam!


Pressure Mounts on Stanford University to Consider Removing Searsville Dam 

A growing coalition of conservation groups, leading scientists, Stanford alumni and Bay Area residents are pressuring Stanford University to consider removing Searsville Dam, an obsolete structure that has blocked steelhead migration in the San Francisquito Creek watershed for more than a century and serves no drinking water supply, flood control or hydropower function.

LINK (Via: Center for Bio-Diversity)

For more information on how you can help go to Beyond the Searsville Dam, a project of American Rivers.