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Entries in pricks of the week (2)


Pricks of the Week - The San Joaquin River Group

A group of irrigators in California's Central Valley filed suit against federal fish managers for their plan to open the waters off the California coast for the first full commercial salmon season in years. The farmers argue that the federal government violated the endangered species act in allowing the fishery, and are concerned if salmon continue to decline in the central valley that irrigation withdrawls will be sacrificed to protect fish.

LINK (Via: Osprey Steelhead News)


Pricks of the Week

The Idaho Senate voted 27-8 in favor of requiring anyone using the courts to challenge plans to haul oversized loads on Idaho roadways to post a bond equal to 5 percent of the load's insured value.The bill now heads to the Governor's desk.

LINK (Via Bloomberg)

The Alaska House has just passed a bill allowing judges set security bonds for parties seeking to halt mines or other development the Pebble Mine. That bill now moves on to the Alaska Senate. 

LINK (Via: Fairbanks Daily News)