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Entries in news of the weird (14)


She had been starving after spending two weeks in the wild....

When she devised an innovative way to catch fish using her private parts as bait and then trapping her meal between her legs.

Quite the snatch catch.

LINK (via: Mail On-Line)


Chinese Fishermen Catch A Porsche Cayenne 

The other day, some fishermen went into the waters off of South China in order to catch some wonderful, wonderful fish. Instead, they got something large, heavy, and bloated.

No, not a dead guy that was thrown overboard by the mob. It was a Porsche Cayenne.

LINK (via: Jalopnik)


Angler dies after fish gets stuck in throat

An angler choked to death on a fish after he made a bizarre bet with friends that he would hold it between his teeth.

LINK (via: The Independent)


Lake trout gives fisherman the finger


When Haans Galassi of Colbert got a call from the Bonner County sheriff this morning, he had a feeling he knew what it was about.

“The sheriff called me and told me he had a strange story to tell me,” said the 31-year-old project manager for a Sandpoint-based software developer.

“He said that a fisherman was out on Priest Lake, and I pretty much knew exactly what he was going to say at that point,” Galassi said.

“I was like: Let me guess, they found my fingers in a fish.”

LINK (via: The Spokesman-Review)


Somebody call Jeremy Wade

Penis eating fish attacks three boys in southern Vietnam.

LINK (via: Than Nien News)


We don't know why priapiumfish evolved their peculiar gonads

The male fish, a Phallostethus cuulong just 2 centimetres long, weaves between drifting vegetation in the sluggish waters of a canal. He closes in on a female, swims alongside her and tries to mate with her.

But to an outside observer, he seems to be doing it wrong. His head is right next to the female's, but he's at a 45-degree angle so his rear end is well below hers. Sounds misguided, but actually he's doing it exactly right – it's just that his gonads are on his head.

LINK (via: New Scientist)