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Entries in motivfishing (2)


GEOBASS: Mexico Part 2 

Following a rough go the first time through Mexico the crew feels like there is definitely unfinished business that drives them to go back. In a desperate move to up their bass fishing odds they attempt to contact Bass legend and Bassmaster owner Jerry McKinnis. After finally convincing Jerry they aren't telemarketers they ask if he can offer them any advice on bass fishing and even try to convince him to come along with them on a bass expedition. The crew also heads to the Bassmaster Classic in Birmingham where they pick the brains of bass pros for insider info. Taking what they have learned they will try and apply these techniques and adapt them to their fly fishing bass quest and redeem themselves on the lakes of Mexico


Meanwhile at iCast...

...MotivFishing's Chris and Jay have another basstastic run-in.  This time w/ Roland.  Last year it was Winkeleman - an encounter that wasn't quite as politically correct.