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Entries in montana (25)


June SOTM Entry: Rock Creek Monster

When everyone else hit the Missouri to "catch fish", Ben Hahn decided to float upper Rock Creek and dredged a streamer.  It paid off with the fish of a lifetime.

Send us a pic of a bigger fish from this flow and we'll personally buy you a plate of bull balls at the Rock Creek Tavern. 


Fly Fishing with Double Up Outfitters



Montana's first-ever fisheries plan

Fish and wildlife officials have passed Montana's first-ever statewide fisheries plan, critics say it's confusing and doesn't go far enough in area.

Montana Trout Unlimited conservation director Mark Aagenes says parts of the plan are good but his members are confused by much of it.

LINK (via: The Independent Record)

Paradise Circus


Moldy Chub


AWR Responds to Timber Industry Ads: No ‘lawless logging’ in Montana

Recently RY Timber, Pyramid Mountain Lumber, Roseburg Forest Products and Sun Mountain Lumber took out the above full-page advertisement in at least six Montana newspapers, including the Helena Independent Record, Missoulian, Kalispell Daily Interlake, Great Falls Tribune, Montana Standard and Bozeman Chronicle.

The timber industry ads called for scrapping the entire Forest Service public appeals process and exempting many timber sales in Montana from judicial review. These are the same timber companies pushing Senator Tester’s mandated logging bill, the Forest Jobs and Recreation Act, which would require logging on over 156 square miles of the Beaverhead-Deerlodge and Kootenia National Forest over the next 15 years.

Mike Garrity – Alliance for the Wild Rockies executive director and a 5th generation Montanan – responds to the Ad in the Montana Standard

(via: A New Century of Forest Planning)