Entries in jack dennis (4)
Vintage Chum - Fishing the West
Larry Schoenborn fishing with Carlos Munoz and Jack Dennis for brown trout on the fly near the town of Coihaique, Chile, South America.
Where Everybody Owns Your Name
The soap opera surrounding Jack Dennis and his relationship with the original business that bears his name just took a legal turn. Dennis who "retired" in October of 2009 then unretired in 2010 when he opened another retail location and guiding operation in Jackson that bears his name. Now Jack is being sued by Jack Dennis Sports Inc for using his name and they are also arguing over who owns the jackdennis.com domain name.
Dennis’ attorney said he will file a formal court document answering these allegations, and he will also file counter claims.
LINK (Via: The Jackson Hole Daily)
Jack Dennis un-retires from fly fishing retail
There are now two Jack Dennis fly shops in Jackson now that Jack Dennis has opened another shop in town.
LINK (Via: The Jackson Hole News and Guide)