Hoagy Carmichael on the Garrison Carmichael Bamboo Fly Rod Shop

Hoagy Carmichael -- donated his bamboo fly rod shop, itself formerly Everett Garrison's rod shop, to the Catskill Fly Fishing Center and Museum. His son Ben recently interviewed him about the shop, his relationship with Mr. Garrison, and more.
The full edit will be released in mid to late February, 2015.
LINK (via: New England On The Fly)
The Grand Cascapedia River, on the Atlantic coast of Canada, boasts some of the best sport fishing in the world. Its salmon stocks are in great shape and people pay big money for permits to fish there. Hoagy Bix Carmichael, son of the singer-songwriter of the same name, fell in the love with the Cascapedia River. Carmichael took producer Bob Carty fly fishing and talks about the river's unusual history and of concerns for its future. (published July 6, 2007)