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Entries in GEOFISH (10)


GEOBASS Trailer 

Bass Bynasty.


T-Shirt of the Year

Only 25 made.


Geofish Review / Motiv Update


Flatswalker reviews Geofish....he liked it.

It's even better on Blue Ray.

As we speak the Motiv crew is holed up in Panama City where they just retrieved their rig. Next is clearing out the mice, hitting 4x4s Are Us, then loading her on a container for Cartagena where they will embark on the next leg of their intercontinental road trip. The jungles of Columbia lie ahead and will likely make that trip through Mexico and Central America seem like a Sunday drive through Chula Vista. Armed with the proper permits, a drone and a well armed escort, they will be heading into areas that have not seen a gringo in decades. Tales of Peacock Bass that defy imagination have trumped the spectre of a jungle encounter with the cartels, FARC or Joan Wilder.


Geofish - Available today on DVD!

The boys have worked hard on this one this past year.  And today, the fruits of labor are available for consumption!  Nice work Thad, Owens, J.J., and Jill!

Press release:

Daytona Beach, Fla. – October 12, 2012 – For the next seven years, Costa’s GeoFish project will be about one thing: exploration. GeoFish follows a vegetable oil powered adventure fly fishing quest around the world, with the team in search of the most epic spots never fished, the ones anglers hear about but chalk up to urban legend. The first full-length feature film installment capturing this journey, GeoFish: Mexico, Vol. 1, is available now at

Dubbed the next level in fly fishing entertainment, former creators of AEG Media and the Fly Fishing Film Tour, Thad Robison, Brian Jill, Jay Johnson and Chris Owens, star in the GeoFish series as it documents the lifestyles, adventures, mishaps, and camaraderie of four expedition anglers on an around the world epic journey.

In GeoFish: Mexico, Vol. 1, the team is in endless pursuit of out-of-the-way locations to fish, along the way being interrogated by international boarder guards, coping with severe injuries in remote jungles, vehicle breakdowns on life threatening roads and close calls with drug cartels. Some might call them crazy, but true adventure anglers call them inspiration.

While in Mexico, the GeoFish crew went in search of everything from striped marlin to largemouth bass, bonefish to barracuda, their vegetable oil powered diesel pick up truck taking them through places like Tecate, Loreto Magdalena Bay and Xcalak.

“In addition to being a story about unveiling Earth’s greatest fishing frontiers, GeoFish is about the livelihood of four friends trying to find balance between normal everyday life and their overriding urge to explore,” said Robison. “Our goal is to find the fisheries no one’s ever seen before, even if it means using extreme measures to get ourselves there.”

Costa is spearheading the GeoFish exploration as part of its overall mission to, “see what’s out there,” also the brand’s tag line.

“GeoFish is like a modern day Lewis and Clark expedition, trailblazing new places to fish,” said Al Perkinson, vice president of marketing for Costa Sunglasses. “But even more than that, GeoFish is an inspiration to the next generation to get out there and explore the world.’”

Following GeoFish: Mexico, Vol. 1, future travels will include Belize, Panama and other South American locales. Each subsequent year’s film will feature new discoveries and fly fishing adventure as the team eventually circumnavigates the globe.

More information about the cast and travel adventures found in GeoFish: Mexico, Vol. 1 can be found at Please contact Marguerite Meyer at 1-800-447-3700 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting 1-800-447-3700 end_of_the_skype_highlighting ext. 156 or email to coordinate GeoFish cast member Q&A sessions for a group screening event.


Motiv Fishing Belize - A Mayan Prophecy 

A fresh trailer from the Motiv Fishing crew's latest exploits, this time it's the jungles of Belize.

MOTIV Fishing cuts their own path through some of the most rugged jungles of Belize in hopes of finding out-of-the-way locations—with fish, and escaping with captured memories. To make it home they have to keep moving, or the jungle will surround and overtake them, making you just another roadside casualty in the vehicular ancient Mayan burial ground.

Belize is a contrast of extremes (beauty and pain), and the road you end up traveling may not be by choice, but as with anywhere that human interaction hasn’t overtaken, once you get there, paradise and unspoiled fishing are right at your feet.


GEOFISH - Best Film from The Drake Video Awards

You got to roll with the punches and get to what's real

It was not too long ago that the band of trout bums that helped lead the way in the new school fly film genre broke up over issues beyond their control. After the dust had settled, most of the band got back together. Reconstituted as Motiv Fishing, they hit the road to Mexico in a veggie powered rig and in what is sweet redemption, captured the Best Film and Best Humor Award at the recent Drake 5 minute of Fly Fishing Video Awards.

No film better represented the spirit of the awards than this piece, heavy drinking and karaoke.