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Entries in fubar creek (1)


Fubar Creek not Fubared any longer

The Harris River and one of its tributaries, Fubar Creek, were heavily impacted by clear-cut logging in decades prior to passage of laws requiring that loggers avoid stream banks and riparian areas, not drag fallen timber down salmon streams and adhere to other standards to protect fish habitat. The Harris River and one of its tributaries, Fubar Creek, were heavily impacted by clear-cut logging in decades prior to passage of laws requiring that loggers avoid stream banks and riparian areas, not drag fallen timber down salmon streams and adhere to other standards to protect fish habitat. Harris and Fubar — important salmon, steelhead, trout and Dolly Varden char producers — suffered damage including major erosion and blocked fish passage. But in a multi-year effort led by the U.S. Forest Service (FS) and The Nature Conservancy (TNC,) with support from Trout Unlimited and other partners, the rivers have been restored to their near-original condition.

LINK (Via: Fly Fisherman)

UPDATE: Speaking of FUBAR...