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Entries in fly fishing history (4)


A List of Large Atlantic Salmon Landed by the Ladies

There is no question that ladies have figured prominently in the catching of large Atlantic salmon. Indeed, all seasoned salmon anglers are aware that a lady holds the British record for a rod-caught salmon at 64 pounds. Another landed the largest fly-caught salmon at 63 pounds, and yet another the largest spring-caught fish at 59 pounds. All these catches and more feature in this incomplete roundup of large salmon landed by the ladies.

LINK (via: Fall 2013 American Fly Fisher )


Making it float

A history of the long drawn out war against waterlogged flies.

LINK (via:The Fishing Museum On-Line)


A Defense of Fisherman

In 1901, the Saturday Evening Post printed former President Grover Cleveland's “Defense of Fishermen,” in which Cleveland rose to protect the honor of the American angler. Critics, he claimed, were unjustly accusing fishermen (there is no mention of fishing women) of  “certain shortcomings and faults”: laziness, profanity, and dishonesty.

LINK (via: The Saturday Evening Post)


Welcome to Historic Angling Enterprises

We supply historically correct hooks, "antique" flies tied by us to reproduce historic patterns from earlier eras, horsehair and natural fiber fishing lines, and other original and reproduction fishing tackle from .... the 200's to the Mid-1800's.... for reenactors, historians, or anglers who just want to sample a bit of angling history.