Extreme Shark Fishing on Ladders!

Just like Pyramid Lake, except you get eaten if you fall off your ladder.

Just like Pyramid Lake, except you get eaten if you fall off your ladder.
A new study led by scientists at the University of Miami (UM) Abess Center for Ecosystem Science and Policy and the Rosenstiel School of Marine and Atmospheric Science investigated how several species of coastal sharks respond to stress from catch-and-release fishing.
LINK (via: redOrbit)
Bull shark fishing from kayaks.
(via: Shark Attack News)
Recreational angling for sharks is becoming a popular leisure activity worldwide. Sharks are also landed as bycatch when recreational anglers target other fish species. Given the important role sharks play in marine ecosystems, developing a better understanding of when recreational anglers encounter sharks and how they handle sharks once landed is important for their conservation and management.