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Entries in fish art (332)


Channeling my inner A.D. Maddox on behalf of the Kettle River

With apologies to A.D.

Above are the results of various effects applied to images of a Kettle River rainbow taken by my friend Travis Lowe on our recent rendezvous north of the border.

The Kettle is a beautiful 175-mile tributary of the Columbia that flows back and forth between southeastern British Columbia and northeastern Washington. Being a trib of the Columbia the Kettle at one time supported salmon and other anadromous fish but a couple of giant dams forever put the kibosh on that program.

As you can see above what remains are some very beautiful, very wary, rainbow trout. (And rumors of one phantom giant brown trout......perhaps more on that in a future post)

Unfortunately excessive water withdrawals and illegal harvest have consistently landed the Kettle on top of B.C.'s list of most endangered rivers. To make matters worse, in 2007 the Canadian Ministry of fucking up the the Environment granted additional Kettle water rights to the Big White Ski resort. If those rights were ever to be exercised, the Kettle watershed would be subject to the removal of an additional 488 million gallons of water.

Kettle rainbows already suffer from die off in the summer heat, a taste of which I experienced as we had 90 plus (35 celsius) mid September heat. You can kiss the beautiful rainbows of the Kettle goodbye if catch and release laws are not enforced and more water gets siphoned off for golf courses, and ski condo hot tubs.

The good news is there is a very dedicated group of people who are doing the heavy lifting to protect the denizens of the Kettle and their threatened habitat.

Their river is your river.


Abel Reel Art Contest

Unleash your inner De Young!

Artists – from first-time amateur to student, fly fishing guide or professional – may compete for the opportunity of designing the fish graphic finish of a new Abel Reel including recognition and write-up on our website and 2015 catalog.

Two winners, one freshwater and one saltwater species fish category, will be awarded the Abel Reel of their choice, showcasing their own winning design.



Snazzy Bluegill

Andrea Larko has a great new limited edition Bluegill print up on her Etsy shop.

I just bought one for one of the hardest working guys in fish conservation Teeg Stouffer and his wife Amy, who welcomed their new son into the world just a couple of weeks ago. Teeg recently took slab of the month honors for a bluegill making this the perfect gift for the new nursery. 


Nichols Art Glass

Andy Nichols dabbled in different art media until he found his niche in glass blowing.

Each of his fish is uniquely designed with abstract colors and patterns, while holding true to common characteristics of native fish.



Vintage Chum - WA Wild Trout Stamps


Fish Ink of the Week

Thielicke poonage