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Entries in dave wilson (2)


It's a fishing movie about a fishing movie

Our good friends at Rollcast Productions have officially released their new DVD Hustle and Fish along with a brand new trailer that serves up more of the vibe than prior clips or the fly film tour segment.

How do you give a legitimate review of a film you've made multiple disastrous appearances in? We've been touting this one a long time for good reason.

Order your copy today. LINK


Fishin' ain't easy...

...and neither is making a true fishing FILM.  This isn't your grandfathers new school fly vid.  We sat with executive producer Steve Apple himself last night and saw it in its finished version.  This movie, in one way or another, will floor you.  We'll keep you updated on final release, but in the meantime pre-orders should be made here and now.

For a sniff of its power, you can also see the condensed version in a city near you