Castapalooza 2014

The fourth annual Castapalooza! A Celebration of All Things Fly Fishing, will take place on April 12 at the Lake Metroparks Hidden Valley Reservation in Madison Twp.

The fourth annual Castapalooza! A Celebration of All Things Fly Fishing, will take place on April 12 at the Lake Metroparks Hidden Valley Reservation in Madison Twp.
Castapalooza, the Northeast Ohio celebration of fly casting and tying, looks to be another great one!
When: Saturday, April 13, 2013, 9:00 AM to 4:00 pm
Where: Lake County Metroparks Hidden Valley Park on the Grand River
Off Rt. 528 south of I-90, Madison, OH
This years presenters:
Plus other guests still to be announced!
There will be ongoing demonstrations and hands-on instruction along with displays of gear from local shops. Castapalooza is free of charge and open to the public.
The first Northeast Ohio Castapalooza and Riverfest will be held on April 24, 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM at Lake Metroparks Hidden Valley Reservation on the Grand River. Will Turek of Midwest Spey and local pro anglers Jerry Darkes and Jeff Liskay will be on hand to provide instruction.