Live Giant Squid Filmed in the Wild for the First Time
Tuesday, January 8, 2013 at 12:00AM
The giant squid was found swimming at a depth of 2066 feet in the Pacific Ocean by a team of three Japanese scientists crammed inside a research submarine.
Approximate scale next to the Shinkai 6500, a famous 31-feet-long Japanese manned research submersible.
The video, filmed in high definition, will be shown by the Discovery Channel as part of its Curiosity TV show.
LINK (via: Gizmodo)
Meanwhile the Giant Squid's smaller cousin, the Humboldt Squid, is making a return appearance in the waters off Southern California......calamari anyone?
(via: Outdoors Action and Adventure)
Wonder if you could get one on a fly rod?
tagged calamari in the news, giant squid in News