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Entries in andros south (6)


Bonefish, 7 o’clock - 20 feet

Photo - Shadow River Media, Cameron Miller

If I were to guess, Norman is probably in his mid-thirties.  It’s hard to tell though, as most guides on the island are in pretty g’damn good shape. When he’s not hunting Walter on the Westside, he owns and operates a nightclub just south of Congotown. You can’t miss it – it’s the plywood-walled shack on the left side of the road as you head to South. It’s the one with the fifteen-foot-long neon Heineken sign just left of the door.  The one with music so loud “you can’t hear anything but the bass, mon.”  Norman, like all of the guides, works hard. During the season, three hours of sleep is par for the course. He’s also a commercial fisherman targeting conch, lobster, and sponge that can sell for up to fifty bones a pop. The dude is diverse. But, there’s no doubt - hunting bones is his first passion. 

He’s been fishing since he skipped school in favor of it as a kid two to three days a week. Even though it pissed his mom off, he didn’t skip a beat. The punishment was worth it – which is saying something, as most of the Bahamian women I met were just as sour as they were sweet. Norman knew he’d be a guide since he was a young pup.

Now, he spends a majority of his time polling the smaller flats, creeks, and mangrove ponds on the West side.  If he’s on the water 200 days a year, 175 of them are out West. Rarely does he wade. And, like a seasoned steelheader, Norman reads water. Specifically big fish water. Norman ain’t like everyone - he avoids huge flats with big schools of pound-and-a-halfers and sticks with skinnier stuff adjacent to deeper channels. Because in his eyes, deeper channels are Walter-friendly environs. 

I fished with Norman twice last week. One day delivered the right sun, wind, and tide. And, with that, it delivered plenty of happy fish. On day one, I heard him chirp the phrase “bonefish, 12 o’clock, 40 feet” at least 25 times.  And, if you’ve ever had coordinates barked to you by a Bahamian guide, you know damn well that’s a cast-friendly scenario that puts you in contact with shrimp crushing lips more often than not. The second day with Norman wasn’t as perfect – shitty sun and 15 to 20 mph stiffness all day. Bonefish, 7 o’clock, 20 feet was par for the course. And, no one was more frustrated with it than Norman. It didn’t matter though. We still connected on plenty of casts – even if most of them were five feet off the stern. We were still smiling at the end of the day. Including Norman – who cleaned up and tied up the boat, got in his car, and drove off to the nightclub to work the party. All on three hours of sleep.


Sparkles in my eyes...

Photos - Cameron Miller

Another beautiful day in bahamas flats paradise.  Now, I'm off to the Tiki Bar for another - Rebecca and I are fishing with a guide named "Sparkles" tomorrow.  Rumor has it he's fathered over 15 kids on the island - I'm looking forward to hearing how he pulled that off...


The best, worst picture of a bonefish grip and grin you'll see all day

Photo: Michael Gracie

I personally fished with Kyle (the beard farmer pictured) today - his reaction time wasn't nearly this slow.  But, at this moment in time, it couldn't have worked out better.  Top 5 fish pics of all time.

So far so good - Andros South is every bit as advertised.  Saw a 14 plus lb. bone today "eat" my fly.  This 5 second relationship was more disappointing than any other I've ever had.    



March sucks

The PNW gets a bit of rain in March, but damn.  This is getting old.

Thank God for Andros South - the end of the month can't get here soon enough.  It's been a few years since I mindlessly glassed the water for bones.  Hope I don't fuck up


FIBFest part deux

Deneki Outdoors is hosting the second annual Fishing Industry Blogger Fest at Andros South next month. We've kicked ourselves almost daily since missing the opportunity last year and missing it a second time would be less than smart. And considering our behavior at the film tour earlier this week, it's best we start making smarter decisions.

In the meantime, I'm going to have to start boning up.  It's been a while since I tangoed with the flats - been even longer since I've had a Kalik.

More on this session throughout the weeks leading up to the event.


Bonefishing and free are seldom mentioned in the same sentence

Sign up for the Deneki Outdoors weekly newsletter by November 11th, and you've got a chance to win a free bonefishing trip to Andros South. Really? Really.

Here's how to subscribe and enter the drawing--
  1. Go to
  2. Enter your email address into the 'Weekly Email Newsletter' field at the top of the middle column of our blog and click the submit button.
  3. When you receive an email asking you to confirm your subscription, click the confirmation link. This is a necessary step in completing your subscription and being entered into the drawing for the free trip.
Here are the rules:
  • The winner will be selected on November 11th, 2009.
  • The prize is one free trip to Andros South for one angler any time between November 2009 and December 2010, subject to availability. Single-occupancy lodging, guided fishing with two anglers per boat, and food are included. Travel to Congo Town, South Andros and gratuities are not included.
  • Only one entry per person.
  • Only confirmed suscribers will be entered - readers who don't click the subscription link in our confirmation email will not be entered.
  • To be eligible, readers must be subscribed on November 11th, 2009.
  • You can unsubscribe if you like after November 11th, but if you like to fly fish, we're betting you're going to like reading our newsletter each week.
  • April not included.

What have you got to lose? We'll even throw in a free Moldy Chum tee-shirt to the lucky winner.