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Entries in 2015 F3T (4)


The 2015 F3T Schedule is Live


Breaking Through: The story of Larry Fivecoats

Larry Fivecoats served with the 173rd Airborne Brigade in Vietnam in 1966 and 1967. In that time, Larry was involved in over 150 firefights and witnessed very heavy casualties. When he returned from war, he found himself struggling with the lasting symptoms of PTSD and depression, and began to contemplate suicide. Then Larry was introduced to Project Healing Waters Fly Fishing.

See the full length film in the 2015 Fly Fishing Film Tour.


2015 Fly Fishing Film Tour: Mongolia Film Fest Trailer 


The Lost Boys of Yantarni - Trailer

The Lost Boys of Yantarni is the story of the quirky few, stubborn enough to live and work on one of the most rugged and formidable outreaches of the Alaska Peninsula - a Neverland practically unknown to the angling world. The allure? – giant, dime bright, Coho Salmon that charge into these mile-long rivers with a seek-and-destroy mentality.

A 2015 F3T selection.