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Entries in Mines (83)


Another Reason for the Pebble Partnership to Walk Away from the Pebble Mine

Round 2 of NRDC's Politico Pebble ad campaign.



To The Pebble Partnership

There are many reasons to quit the Pebble Mine. Through a series of ads running this week and next in Politico, NRDC is giving the Pebble Partnership a handful.

LINK (via: NRDC)


Could This Be the Next Pebble Mine?

Montana's Smith River is threatened by a massive proposed copper mine along Sheep Creek, a major tributary. If the mine is built, it would ruin this nationally renowned wild trout fishery through acid mine drainage, contamination with toxic heavy metals, and other pollution.



Pebble Mine Lawsuit Moves Forward, Delays EPA Protection of Bristol Bay

Fark.....another reminder this fight is far from over.

Today a federal judge in Alaska issued an order that will prolong last ditch litigation filed by the Pebble Limited Partnership against the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. Although the order dismissed portions of Pebble's complaint, the court also allowed parts of the case to move forward to trial on the merits.

LINK (via: The Huffington Post)


DNR delays decision on water rights for salmon vs. coal mine

A decision due this month by the state Department of Natural Resources on water rights for salmon streams or a coal mine at Upper Cook Inlet has been delayed until after an August hearing. At issue is competing claims filed in 2009 by the Chuitna Citizens Coalition and PacRim Coal of Delaware and Texas.  

The Coalition wants to protect spawning tributaries of the salmon-rich Chuitna River; PacRim wants to dewater the streams and dig Alaska’s largest coal mine. Based on PacRim data, the first phase alone would remove and dewater 20 square miles of salmon habitat, dig down 300 feet and discharge 7 million gallons of mine waste a day into the Chuitna River.

LINK (via: Alaska Fish Radio)


DNR Wrongfully Issued Pebble Permits

Another day, another Pebble beat down.

The Alsaka Supreme Court unanimously overturned a 2011 ruling in a case that challenged whether the DNR permits issued for exploratory work at the Pebble site should have included some public notice.

LINK (via: Alaskas Public Media)