Wild Steelhead Meets NASCAR

Trout Unlimited announced today a special one race Sprint Cup sponsorship deal with the Penske Racing team. The one race primary sponsor agreement will see Cal Naughton Jr's number 22 Dodge sporting a special paint job featuring the "Be Steelheaded" graphic from TU's Wild Steelheaders United campaign.
When asked about this unique approach to raising awareness Dwayne Meadows, TU's Pacific Northwest Outreach Director said, "We couldn't be happier than to be partnering with Team Penske on this unique opportunity." According to Meadows, "This new motor(steel)head strategy will elevate the plight of wild steelhead beyond the traditional confines of the Pacific Northwest and Great Lakes and bring the message to main street U.S.A."
While Meadows concedes that others in the conservation community might be skeptical he says TU remains committed to the experiment. "Sure we recognize that others might question this strategy, but if there's a better way to raise steelhead awareness than having the #22 Penske steelhead edition lap Talladega 188 times I'd like to hear about it."
When informed of TU's new NASCAR partnership Jonathan Stumpf of the Wild Steelhead Coalition was very supportive. "Wow! Seems like a really bold move and CAL NAUGHTON JR TOO!!!! That guy is my favorite driver!"
Cal Jr. himself is also very supportive. "You know I did not know jack shit about steelhead until we entered into this deal with TU but now I really want to help their cause." Naughton immediately started to help get the word out by penning this Facebook post to his 1,766,842 fans immediately after the new sponsorship announcement.
"To all of my loyal fans out there who have never heard of a wild steelhead, and that would be all of you... except for that guy Stumpf in Seattle who keeps sending me creepy fan mail. A steelhead is like a bad ass bass... except it's all chrome colored, and way harder to catch. Believe it or not there are some folks out there who love fishing for steelhead more than you or me love NASCAR, Bud Light, fishing for bass, walleye or noodling for catfish... I know, hard to believe. So please consider taking pity on these poor bastards by taking the Wild Steelheaders United, Be Steelheaded pledge. Thanks! Yer pal Cal.
TU would neither confirm or deny that they are looking at other outside the box sponsorship opportunities.

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