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« Do you think the time has come to breach the four lower Snake River dams? | Main | FISH | 2015 PROMO »

Troutwater Guide Profile: Johnny Boitano

Quiet men are the ones you want to listen to the most. In the time spent with the guys at Troutwater, Johnny was a man of few words but the words he does speak resonate with you for a long time after.

"Its ok, I have bear spray" -Johnny

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Reader Comments (2)

If he knew anything about rowing, he would know that those boats are terrible. They are heavy (close to 500lbs) and retain water, (30+ gallons) in between their floors. He may not know that now. but it will come.

February 20, 2015 | Unregistered Commentermt

those boats suck

February 23, 2015 | Unregistered Commenterherb

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