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What a disappointment

Patagonia Fly Fishing Ambassador Dylan Tomine with a report from the recent Hatchery vs Wild Symposium put on by the American Fisheries Society.

I went down to Portland to check out the Hatchery vs Wild Salmonid Symposium put on by the American Fisheries Society. Given the title, and AFS’ history of fish conservation work (including endorsement of Snake River dam removal) I figured it would be a relatively balanced examination of the science around this issue. What a disappointment.


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Reader Comments (1)

Yes, the hatchery industry is unfortunate but we won't see changes over night. Like Mr. Tomine says a lot of money is involved equating to a lot of stakeholders, which means this will be a slow, long process weening off hatchery dependence.

February 12, 2015 | Unregistered CommenterThe dude

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