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Why Should You Try Fly Fishing? 

Conway Bowman and JP DeRose discuss why conventional anglers sometimes are hesitant to try fly fishing, and also give some reasons why to try a new technique.

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Reader Comments (1)

I grow weary of "conventional anglers" using the same old excuses as to why they don't pick up a fly rod. Yes, it's harder than plunking a worm, and Yes, it takes commitment...and No, it is NOT tied to the Aristocracy. It is based on fish being observed eating insects and adopted by cultures such as the Macedonians long before it was used by rich people in the UK.
It would be like me saying I don't want to try Spincasting because it's to hard to attach a bobber to the line...
Look, if you don't want to fly fish, then just man up and say your not interested. Trust me, that news wouldn't be earth shattering.

June 4, 2014 | Unregistered CommenterHawk

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