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Some Wyoming fishing guides seek more regulations

Wyoming doesn't license its fishing guides, which some outfitters say is creating a free-for-all of unregulated guides on its most popular rivers.

LINK (via:The Missoulian)

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Reader Comments (2)

100% agree with this. Fishing the reef these days isn't even enjoyable it's so crowded, especially the float sections. Give the business to the local guide ops and keep the Colo outfitters out, unless they want to pay big bucks for a guide permit, which should be limited. Why would you want to pay a Colo outfitter to fish Wyoming water anyways? Personally I'd rather hire / pay the local businesses in turn supporting the local economy. Doesn't make too much sense to me. Not a fan of the Colorado Guiding Ops that fish the reef.

June 2, 2014 | Unregistered CommenterHungus

If the guides and guide services hadn't exploited the river to all the green plates for their own benefit they wouldn't be whining about the herd of idiots on the river. I grew up on it and have seen the change first hand for 40 years. It's the guides and guide business' fault for advertising this fishery and thus destroying the river. Get rid of them for how they exploited good old Wyoming. Hell, they aren't even from here. Go back to your own states and quit ruining mine.

June 5, 2014 | Unregistered CommenterStewart

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