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Suction Dredge Mining Reform Action Alert

An important action alert from Native Fish Society.

Following California’s 2009 moratorium on the practice, Oregon has seen a dramatic increase in suction dredge mining activity, which impairs water quality and threatens critical salmon, steelhead, trout and lamprey habitat.

Suction dredge mining involves prospectors locating gold by sucking up stream and river bottoms through a gas-powered, floating vacuum. This mining technique leaves behind altered river bottoms, suspends previously undisturbed mercury deposits, and damages essential salmon habitat and spawning gravels.

Native Fish Society is asking for your help to protect native salmonids and lamprey habitat by supporting the increased regulations currently being proposed by the Oregon Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ). DEQ is in the process of revising the 700PM permit that will dictate suction dredge mining regulations for the next 5 years. Specifically, the Native Fish Society would like your help asking DEQ to restrict suction dredge mining in streams and rivers with designated Essential Salmonid Habitat (ESH).


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