let me guess.. you were fishing with Eric ratliff...at an 'undisclosed location' with 'black sex dungeons'. Incredible fish. But the need to share every fish you catch on instagram is sad. We don't care about you or catfishric anymore. Grow up.
Jordan, Same fish as Eric Ratliff last fall. Probably the same spot. When did fishing become about showing everybody about your pics? instagram has ruined this sport. guys like you don't live in reality, but instead refer to yourselves as ol_dirtyshinbo and Catfishric. Fishing is about having an opportunity to be outside, share an experience with others (or be solitary), and having a moment with that fish. Fish should be respected and sought after in ethical ways, ie. not during spawn times or periods of vulnerability. Kudos to you for catching the fish of your life- myself and probably the few hundred thousand anglers that envy you and follow this blog recognize how cool of an experience this must have been. But you don't need to have your life revolve around posting photos of instagram or social media. Share the fish with friends and family and remember the moment. We don't need to make fishing a competition and become misaligned about the reasons we actually go fishing.
also most steelhead guys have it right-keep the fish wet when you take your hero shot. We all know this is a 30+ inch brown, but let it breathe. If you were having sex with your mate and then were pulled from the session and choked out, that wouldn't make you very happy would it? Respect these fish more and restore the honor in the sport.
That fish is Dope. Seeing the two comments that were left ahead of mine are just a reminder Haters gunna hate. Jealousy and insecurity comes in so many forms, people don't let fishing get in the way of fishing. We don't know each other but keep up the nice work.
Reader Comments (6)
let me guess.. you were fishing with Eric ratliff...at an 'undisclosed location' with 'black sex dungeons'. Incredible fish. But the need to share every fish you catch on instagram is sad. We don't care about you or catfishric anymore. Grow up.
glad to see Moldychum isn't promoting the hunt for Redd October.... oh wait
hey man he's my buddy. don't hate. i just fish in 2 places that all? #underarmorfishing
go back to montana jordan. and bring eric with you. nobody likes him here anyway. except for his world of instagram friends
Same fish as Eric Ratliff last fall. Probably the same spot. When did fishing become about showing everybody about your pics? instagram has ruined this sport. guys like you don't live in reality, but instead refer to yourselves as ol_dirtyshinbo and Catfishric. Fishing is about having an opportunity to be outside, share an experience with others (or be solitary), and having a moment with that fish. Fish should be respected and sought after in ethical ways, ie. not during spawn times or periods of vulnerability.
Kudos to you for catching the fish of your life- myself and probably the few hundred thousand anglers that envy you and follow this blog recognize how cool of an experience this must have been. But you don't need to have your life revolve around posting photos of instagram or social media. Share the fish with friends and family and remember the moment. We don't need to make fishing a competition and become misaligned about the reasons we actually go fishing.
also most steelhead guys have it right-keep the fish wet when you take your hero shot. We all know this is a 30+ inch brown, but let it breathe. If you were having sex with your mate and then were pulled from the session and choked out, that wouldn't make you very happy would it? Respect these fish more and restore the honor in the sport.
That fish is Dope. Seeing the two comments that were left ahead of mine are just a reminder Haters gunna hate. Jealousy and insecurity comes in so many forms, people don't let fishing get in the way of fishing. We don't know each other but keep up the nice work.
That fish is dope.