Winter Run by Todd Moen - Pacific Northwest Steelhead Fly Fishing
Friday, January 31, 2014 at 12:05AM
According to Bill McMillan author of "Dry Line Steelhead," winter is the most difficult of seasons for steelhead on the fly. The mere challenge of nature's moody elements, the cold weather, and limited daylight, draws only those anglers who seek to experience something beyond the fishing itself. Winter steelhead evoke a reverence because, in short, they are extremely hard to come by. All the magic surrounding steelhead becomes even more epic when placed in the severity of winter. The preparation, the adventure and the struggle of the search in winter conditions for these elusive fish is what Todd Moen captures in this short film originally produced in January of 2013.
Reader Comments (3)
Very hyper real version of steelhead fishing. Nice fouled fish at 7:50.
In regards to the comment from xtremestream .... It's called a "tube fly" smart guy! It actually slide freely on the leader when fighting a fish!
xtremestream its pretty hard to foul a winter steelhead on the swing with a single fly. get a grip loser. It is hyper real compared to the pink worms and beads you sling. Stay on the Clearwater where you belong