You must be new. The Chum provides free entertainment - the majority of which probably aligns with your passions. They also occasionally post current event stuff. You don't pay for the Chum entertainment, so maybe you just deal with it.
In the meantime, I've found that those that refer negatively to America's most popular sport with names like "sportball" typically either lack competitive mindset, are void of athletic ability, or are struggling with sexual orientation. Which one be you?
The Chum has hit a new low. I officially think your just a group of shit stirrers. I now curse you " may your penis fall off and your dog bury it" :) Go Broncos!!
Reader Comments (7)
That was awesome!
The one place I thought was safe from the idiocy that is sportball.
Matthew from Missouri,
You must be new. The Chum provides free entertainment - the majority of which probably aligns with your passions. They also occasionally post current event stuff. You don't pay for the Chum entertainment, so maybe you just deal with it.
In the meantime, I've found that those that refer negatively to America's most popular sport with names like "sportball" typically either lack competitive mindset, are void of athletic ability, or are struggling with sexual orientation. Which one be you?
is chum gonna post a public apology when the broncos win or?
Matt or Mathew From Misery,
You sir just had your "MAN CARD REVOKED". Go back to playing D&D. Do you also hate the man rigs, and Friday's fishing talent?
Go Hawks.
The Chum has hit a new low. I officially think your just a group of shit stirrers. I now curse you " may your penis fall off and your dog bury it" :) Go Broncos!!
Sorry Broncos fans. We won! Matt From Missouri still deserves to have his man card taken away.