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The Simms crew shows how Southwest Montana gets down with the Harlem Shake.

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    Fly Fishing | Blog | Photos | Podcasts | Travel | Gear | and More - Moldy Chum - SIMMS HARLEM SHAKE

Reader Comments (23)


March 8, 2013 | Unregistered Commenterwild trout

I hoped it wouldn't but somehow I knew this would make it into the fly fishing world, I wonder what Orvis' would look like.

March 8, 2013 | Unregistered CommenterTrousertrout

Repent from your Simms!

March 8, 2013 | Unregistered Commenterdeathroe


March 8, 2013 | Unregistered CommenterTroutKiller

Repent from your simms.

March 8, 2013 | Unregistered CommenterPO Paddler

Is it just me, or is there any hope for America? Of all the stupid things currently gripping our laptop fed society, I'd hoped the last people I'd see doing this was Simms. What a disappointment.

March 8, 2013 | Unregistered CommenterSo gay...

WTF what a bunch of Tools, I am embarrassed for them. They should stick with making overpriced waders.
Just Saying

March 8, 2013 | Unregistered CommenterFish Stick


March 8, 2013 | Unregistered Commenterbulltrout

What a bunch of smurfs. Please just stick to making overpriced wading gear.

March 8, 2013 | Unregistered CommenterKNN

This is exactly why you buy American. Happy passionate people make incredible products

March 8, 2013 | Unregistered CommenterDRTrucha

Makes me want to go out and buy Patagonia waders...and I wear Simms

March 8, 2013 | Unregistered CommenterDude

Simms should start making condoms.....that way when they rape you for their wares it won't leave such a rash!

March 8, 2013 | Unregistered Commenterty2fly

Simms should give their fuckin head a Harlem shake.

March 8, 2013 | Unregistered CommenterT

Surely Hardy wouln't do that... they are much too trivial... rock!

March 8, 2013 | Unregistered CommenterLe Mouching

This was produced simply to distract the masses…

Meanwhile, K.C.'s currently moving a 3rd fly shop in at Four Corners, his very own, (50 feet from their shiny new factory’s front door)…to try and put two other Bozeman fly shops out of business; that have both been there for over 10 years!


March 8, 2013 | Unregistered CommenterBS

HA!HA! You guys are a bunch of limp dicks vid was just for fun. Don't even like Simms but saw the fun in this. Everybody's a jack off critic now.

March 8, 2013 | Unregistered CommenterJeff

Absolutely Awesome!!!
Love it!
Stay young at heart, never grow old!

March 9, 2013 | Unregistered CommenterRay Montoya

BS. You don't know what your talking about so stay off of blogs. The rivers edge is moving there, not K.C. Oh, and he gave all shops in town a shot at the business. He just took the best proposal. So thanks for your insight, but please have better information when you post slander like that.

March 11, 2013 | Unregistered Commenterthat guy

@that guy,
You contradict yourself in your response.
In your own words: “The Rivers Edge is moving there, not K.C. Oh, and he gave all shops in town a shot at the business. He just took the best proposal.”
(Thank you for that, as it begs the question by anyone who guides for a living reading it:
“…A shot at what business…!?”)

Fact is, there was NO business there at the time - none.
It was after all just four vacant storefronts adjacent to their future factory that was being built last winter. It was a long vacant one-story shitty façade attached to Taco Time. Not to mention, it’s within a quarter-mile of two existing fly shops at Four Corners - and both outfitters’ have been there for several years. Both of these shops have employed dozens of employees, guides, and serviced thousands of customers, (and one, who is even a SIMMS dealer last I checked).

This “best proposal” as you referred to it (@this guy), was not as it turns out: ‘offered to all shops in town’ and many stores within city-limits and around the state only found out about the ‘sneaky move by SIMMS’ after-the-fact’. ….Hell, some are still unaware.
I further ask, (@that guy) since you seem to be an insider at SIMMS and have all the answers smartass: …‘Exactly what did K.C. require? …What did K.C. not like about this or that?...And more importantly ‘How Much did K.C’ need to make for it to be worth his while’; to put a couple competitors out of business…?

Let’s be clear, this retail-space K.C. leased then remained unavailable for rent for an entire year while construction was completed on the new SIMMS factory (100 feet of pavement separates these two structures at most). K.C. leased this space not coincidentally right after his well publicized interview with Kirk Deeter @ Angling Trade; where K.C. promised dealers across the country: ‘that while SIMMS was now selling directly-online; they would not sell retail from the new location.’

Link added - Read it for yourself, 5th paragraph, last sentence (in parenthesis)

To get around this promise and not break what would be several devastating ones to date; ex:; ‘selling to big-box stores, a total and embarrassing reversal on felt and aquatic invasive-species, and then direct-online sales;’ …just to name a few…
K.C. finally built his very own fly shop; “a SIMMS shop”, right next door to his factory; as he’d always envisioned it.

…So for anyone who thinks SIMMS leased this space and then held it vacant for a year, and only “took the best proposal” – (from their #1 shop they’d dealt with for years) - and that SIMMS isn’t going to continue to profit from this arrangement is being naive and /or ...maybe even a complete fucking fool.

Wanna keep going @that guy; I’ll be happy to beat you down all daylong online son; I’m one of thousands of pissed-off guides in this state about this – bring it!


March 11, 2013 | Unregistered CommenterBS

BS, I think people ought to take your name literally! Let me guess, you must be good buddies with somebody who "knows" right? Anyone with this kind of quality information must really be "in" with the all knowing crowd. And you have called and talked with K.C. personally and with The River's Edge right? That's how you have gotten all of your information, fist hand!

First, there was no lease on this building until December 2012 (I know several commercial realtors and the one who signed the deal, not to K.C. or Simms, but to The River's Edge), it was bank owned by Stockman's Bank until around August 2012 when it closed (check the public tax records or call your local bank or realtor, they will confirm and show you who bought it) so your Simms lease theory is quite inaccurate. I should know this also as I was one of several people who looked at buying it for an investment.

Secondly, maybe you should call the Montana Board of Outfitters to see how many fishing guides there actually are in the State of Montana. You might be surprised.

Lastly, is there really more to say?

March 12, 2013 | Unregistered CommenterBSS


Spot on and well said. To quote a great movie "ever met someone you just shouldn't have fucked with?...ya, well that's me." (That guy) is still looking for his nuts because you done clipped 'em!

March 12, 2013 | Unregistered CommenterIdaho

full of bs. I live and work and own a business in four corners. not sure where you are. The rivers edge will be a place where guides etc. can try on Simms gear and then purchase through the guide program. NOT RETAIL! Guide pricing. as you know, its a dick move to go a fly shop, try on waders then pro deal them. This way you can do it without offending anyone. As for the real estate, there are 4 other empty buildings there. pick one. who cares who bought it. Are you some sort of real estate mogul? IT was a good business move that provides a service that us outfitters and guides needed. Not intended for your punk ass. Other fly shops did write proposals, or declined to. He chose the best. I got all day. Quit bringing up things over your head jack ass. Call the better business bureau if he is so wrong, or K.C. himself and quit being a pussy talking trash on a blog.

March 13, 2013 | Unregistered Commenterthat guy

also, its a pain in the ass to dress up guides in gear and not get the sale, that is why k.c. is covering some of the cost. Idaho, you're in Idaho. so not sure how you would even know what you are talking about. any opinions on YOUR local business? or just gossiping on the web? coward

March 13, 2013 | Unregistered Commenterthat guy

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