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Tar Sands Oil Boom Yields Toxic Wastewater Lakes

Canada's tar sands are an unequivocal environmental nightmare, ravaging the landscape and spewing billions of gallons of toxic water into the world. Now, oil companies are claiming they've figured out what to do with all that poisonous water: Turn Alberta into one giant man-made lake district.

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Reader Comments (2)

Evolution yea right, and what safe guards do they have in place to protect mother earth? Shoot if they cant have a back up valve to shut off oil from spewing in to the ocean what makes us think they have safe guards to protect the environment?

December 24, 2013 | Unregistered CommenterRalph G.

It's nice to know that the ducks I eat could have passed through this toxic nightmare.

December 24, 2013 | Unregistered CommenterEdgar

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