There are some things money can't buy

Air Fare from England to Gran Canaria - 450 pounds
3 days of marlin fishing - 1800 pounds
Getting slapped around by the 1st Mate - PRICELESS

fishing video in
Film and Video

Reader Comments (9)
Nothing like a relaxing day on the boat eh?
Calling all European sea anglers - there are only three words for this punk. Name and shame...
If there is any justice, his trade will hopefully soon be visited by the great Avenging Viral Angel of the Internet.
I think I'd ask for a refund. That guide is a serious dickwad. What in hell did the one-eyed fisherman do wrong? Sounds like he may have grabbed the line?
This is precisely why my doctor told me to switch to decaf. Also I stopped sprinkling steroids on my Wheaties in the morning. That may have helped too.
I woulda knocked that douche bag out. No tip for you!
Mr. First mate would receive 1800 pounds worth of an ass kicking if he touched me like that.
Every guide newbie or seasoned should study this master in how one earns a tip.
Poor guy has a smashed in face, only one eye, doesn´t speak the language and gets slapped and insulted by a gu..., actually no I don´t want to call him guide, dutch idiot!
If I´d been there I´d sue the gouda cheese out of him.
What to say, oranjes.....
Gut him,,then use him for chum!!!