Seattle EPA Bristol Bay Watershed Hearing

Arrived at the Jackson Federal building in Seattle yesterday afternoon to attend the EPA's first Bristol Bay Watershed public hearing and was greeted by a scene more akin to a TSA airport checkpoint. A very lengthy line was waiting to get through security for an opportunity to submit public comments regarding the EPA Watershed Study and the Pebble Mine.
In addition to all the major enviro and sporting groups in attendance, the fly fishing industry was also very well represented. Most notably, AFFTA Board President Jim Klug was there to express the entire fly fishing trades opposition to the Pebble project. Other fly industry comapanies that were attendance were the Far Bank family of brands, Deneki Outdoors, Emerald Water Anglers, Patagonia and Orvis. A total of 85 comments were ultimately read into the public record by a broad spectrum of individuals, the VAST majority coming from those who support the EPA's efforts and oppose the Pebble Project.
There were a few pro mine advocates in attendance, including representatives of Northern Dynasty and Anglo American, Pebble's primary investors. Northern Dynasty put out this press release just minutes after their Vice President of Public Affairs Sean Magee testified.
If you live in Alaska or Bristol Bay, additional hearings will be taking place next week. More importantly, it is critical that everyone submit written comments to the EPA on the draft watershed assessment prior to the deadline on July 23rd. You can easily submit those comments via TU's Save Bristol Bay website.
The next stop for the EPA's Pebble road show is Anchorage, that meeting is schedued to be held in an auditorium that holds 1,000 people.