TODAY!! - Attend the Seattle EPA Pebble Mine Public Hearing

The EPA released its draft Bristol Bay Watershed Assessment on May 18th and is holding a Seattle public hearing to listen to public comments about the proposed Pebble Mine. The public hearing is next week Thursday, 5/31 and is the only known hearing in the Lower 48, all others will be held in Alaska the following week.
Here is your chance to stand up for the protection of North America's greatest wild salmon fishery. Help send the message that Pebble Mine is the wrong mine in the wrong place. A huge turnout will send a loud message to the pro development side who will most certainly turnout for this meeting.
When: Thursday May 31 at 2pm
Where: Jackson Federal Building, North Auditorium
915 Second Avenue - Seattle, WA
U.S. Senator Maria Cantwell (D-WA) released a statement regarding the Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) announcement that the agency will hold a public hearing in Seattle next week to discuss how large scale development in Bristol Bay, Alaska – like the Pebble Mine proposal – could hurt salmon and Washington state jobs.
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