Growing risks from hatchery fish

Further confirmation that hatchery fish suck.
A newly published collection of more than 20 studies by leading university scientists and government fishery researchers in Alaska, British Columbia, Washington, Oregon, California, Russia and Japan provides mounting evidence that salmon raised in man-made hatcheries can harm wild salmon through competition for food and habitat.
LINK (via: Phys.Org)
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Reader Comments (4)
What sucks is, the everyday, Safeway-shopping consumer, could probably give a rip. They want a slab of squishy pink meat for $4.99 a pound - that, of course, has to be the same quality and is just as good as that firm, nearly marroon, stuff on ice over there that is $18.99 a pound!
Somehow we have to make a connection to the veryday consumer that wild is worth protecting - not just for the quality of the meat and our (absolutely correct) idea that wild ecosystems are better - but that its better for THEM as well. That its worth protecting. That it worth paying for.
check it.
Please fix the link, it doesn't work